Chapter 15

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 15

D- Calm down, Sammy kept having nightmares about the amusement park last night, so we slept with her to make her feel safe.
Z- Oh....
C- So nothing happened?
S- No way, nothing like that.
Z- Damn it. I wanted something juicy to happen.
S- Haha, no, sorry to disappoint you munchkin.
I said in a playful way.
D- Cm'on lets go cook breakfast.
Z/C/Jo- Yay, we're starving.
D- You guys are always hungry...

They all left except for Jack.
J- How did you sleep?
S- Mm, it was okay, I don't think I had any other bad dreams after you and Daniel came in.
J- That's good, I didn't like seeing you so scared.
S- Thankyou, again for catching me, I don't know what state I would be in right now if it weren't for you. I could have.......... I could have d-
My eyes became glossy, and Jack cut me off before I could finish my sentence.
J- But you didn't. Your fine.
He could see that I was about to cry.
J- Come here...
He pulled me in for a tight hug.
S- AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
He let go.
J- What's wrong!!
I lifted up the hoodie to reveal a massive black bruise, the size of a fist.
S- Ugh, it's getting worse...
J- Who did this to you?
J- Sammy please, you can tell me anything.
I sighed.
S- Well, about a week ago, I was walking down the street to get Logan a new SIM card for his phone, when this guy jumped out from around the corner, and punched me twice in the same spot on my stomach, he said that, that's was I deserve for getting his girlfriend thrown in jail.
J- Alissa?
S- I guess so, I'm pretty sure I haven't gotten anyone else sent to jail.
At this point I could tell Jack was really angry.
J- What did he look like? The guy that punched you.
S- Umm, tall, with a black sort of beard, he had a cap on, and a shirt that said CLOUTGANG on it.
He grabbed this laptop and went on YouTube.
S- Oh, My, God.... THATS HIM!!

A/N- ooooooo cliffhanger, who do you think the mysterious guy is??

Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now