Chapter 30

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 30

S- I can't wait for you to meet my boyfriend

(Jacks POV)
My heart dropped.
I stared at Sammy in disbelief.
D- Boyfriend? You never told us you had a boyfriend?
S- Didn't I? Oh, it must have never came up. His name is Jayden, Jayden Hemling. We started dating about one month before I came to LA.
Jo- Long distance?
S- Yeah, it's hard not seeing him sometimes, but we always seem to get through it.
C- That's like me and Christina, it's not easy, but we manage.
S- (laughing( Finally someone who I can relate to.
Z- Jack buddy, are you okay?
I broke out of my daze.
J- What? Oh yeah, I'm fine.
Jo- You look a little pale. Are you sure your okay? Have you eaten anything since yesterday?
J- No, I'm fine, I'm not hungry.
Jo- Well, okay then. If ya say so.
D- Does Jayden know what's happened? Does your family know?
S- Oh, I didn't even realise. Where's my phone?
D- Oh shoot. It's still at the house. Zach, I told you to bring it this morning.
Z- Ohhhhhh, that's what you said. I thought it sounded a little weird.
D- What sounded weird?
Z- I thought you said "Grab Sammy bone, she will need it in the hospital."
Everyone started laughing, except for me.
S- Hey Jack, are you positively sure your okay?
J- I'M FINE OKAY..... I just need some air.
I stormed out the door, and through the hospital exit. I sat down at the nearest bench and thought about what just happened.

(Sammy's POV)
J- I'M FINE OKAY..... I just need some air.
Jack stormed out of the room with a sad, but annoyed look on his face.
S- Woah.
Z- Umm, okay then. What just happened?
S- I have no idea.
Awkward silence fell upon the room.
D- Ahhhh Sammy, when do you get discharged?
S- Today, and 11am, only 2 more hours of being in this hell hole.
Jo- Awesome, we need to get you moved in ASAP. I could really use a break from all these guys.
D- Same.
Z- Hey!
C- That's not nice!
Jo- (laughing) Sometimes you just need a woman around you know, someone to talk to.
S- Pfft, woman, please. I ain't no woman, and you guys can talk to me anytime, anywhere, about anything at all, I'm a really good listener, and I'd like to think that I'm trust worthy.
C- Yay, my own personal therapist!
S- Hey! I ain't no therapist Corbitch.
We all laughed, but we were interrupted by a knock on the door.
It was Jack and the Doctor.
J- Yo guys, remember we promised  the Doc that we would sing for his daughter.
Peaking out from behind the Doctor was one of the cutest little girls I've ever seen.
Doc- Everyone, this is my daughter Annabelle, say hi sweetie.
A soft "Hi" came from behind him, then suddenly Annabelle sprinted out from behind, and jumped into Daniels arms.
D- Woahhh, hey there Annabelle. Aren't you the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Annabelle giggled, and snuggled into Daniel.
A- Your my favourite! Will you marry me???
Everyone laughed, including Jack. It seem he had cooled off.
D- Ohhhh my, of course I will marry you! When's our wedding?
A- Ahh, umm, I don't know, I never thought you would say yes.
D- (laughing) Well how could I say no! Would you like us to sing to you now?
D- What song would you like?
D- Well okay then, guys you ready?
D- "Look at us, we could paint a perfect picture."
All- "About us."
D- "From your head to toe.....

I started humming along to the song, and softly stared singing it.
I didn't notice, but Jack was staring at me, and completely missed his line.
C- Jack?
J- Sammy! I didn't know you could sing!
S- I can't.
J- Well what was that then?
S- Fine, I was singing, but not very well.
J- Are you kidding me? That was amazing!
S- Please, I wasn't even trying.
J- If that was you not even trying, then I can't imagine how you would sound if you were trying.
A- SAMMY! Can you please sing, for me?
Annabelle gave me the biggest puppy dog eyes ever, and I couldn't resist.
S- Fine, fine, what do I sing?
A- Do you know any Adele?
S- Duh, of course.

I began singing 'Someone like you' hitting all the high notes perfectly.
I sang the last note and look up to see everyone staring at me in shock....

D- That..... was....... terrible.

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Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now