Chapter 27

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 27

(Jacks POV)
Finally, after 5 long hours of sitting in the waiting room, Sammy's doctor came out, pulling off his rubber gloves.
J- Doctor!
I said, quickly standing up from my chair.
D- The surgery went well. Sammy can keep her arm, and her heart is healthy again.
We all let out a huge sigh of relief.
Daniel- Thankyou so much doctor, really, it means a lot.
D- No problem boys. My daughter is a huge fan of you guys and Sammy. Annabelle listens to your music literally all day, everyday, and watches Sammy on YouTube 24/7.
C- Well we would love to meet her.
D- Really? I could bring her in tomorrow, Sammy has to stay for a couple of nights, just to make sure everything is okay.
Jo- Awesome, we'll be here.
J- Can I go in and see her?
D- You can go in, but she's not awake, in about an hour she should wake up.
J- Okay, thanks.
As I made my way to Sammy's room, Corbyn yelled out to me.
C- Hey Jack, it's 7pm, we're going to get some food, do you want anything?
J- I'm not hungry, but thanks anyways.
C- Jack, you should really eat, you haven't had anything all day.
J- I'm fine.
C- Well okay, we're going to Chipotle and then back to the house to shower up. We'll be back in about 2 hours. I'll bring you back a burrito. Cya.
J- Bye.

I made my way to Sammy's room and pushed open the door.
There, she laid. Still. Eyes closed, slowly breathing, and very pale. I walked over next to her bed. I pulled a chair from the side of the room next to her, and sat down.
I stared at her for what felt like forever. She was still so beautiful. I kind of have a massive crush on her. Even though I've only known her for 2 days, we've had that special connection that feels like we've known each other for years. Sammy makes me smile, which is kinda hard to do. She makes me laugh and giggle. That's right GIGGLE! I don't giggle! This girl has changed me. I love it. I'm not so sure she feels the same way. I saved her life, twice now. But that doesn't really mean anything. I know she's truly great full. I don't know, I just hope she likes me back.
I grab her hand, and rub my thumb over her knuckles. Her hands are so cold, so I cup both of my hands around one of hers. I pull our hands  up to my mouth and lightly kiss her knuckles.

Suddenly her head slightly flinches to the side.
J- Sammy?
Her eyes and face scutch up, an she slowly opens her eyes...

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Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt