Chapter 22

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 22
!Warning Corse Language!

(Sammy's POV)
All of a sudden I'm jerked back onto the floor.
But a hand covers my mouth before I can finish.
A/N- This is what you get for getting my girlfriend thrown in jail, bitch!
"BANKS!" I yelled, but my voice muffled because of the hand over my mouth. He comes into my view with a sharp knife in his hand, and a evil look on his face.
B- You have no idea what I'm about to put you through.
He said with a grin on his face.
B- Too bad your friends can't hear you scream over their loud music.
I tried to scream, but he pushed his hand harder on my face, making my head slam down on the floor. My arms and legs were free. I tried kicking and punching him, but he sat on top of me, pressing my arms above my head, and putting his knees on my legs. His whole body was resting on mine, I could tell he was quite comfortable actually. Banks is a big guy, and with all his weight on top of my skinny body, I could feel my skin bruising already, and his knees were pressing down on a bone in my leg. It hurt, really badly. I tried to scream again, but he's knees went deeper into my skin, and I could tell that at any moment my legs were going to break if he didn't take some pressure off. I relax my body as a sign of defeat. I was done struggling to get him off me.
B- Given up I see?
I close my eyes and give a long blink as a yes sign.
B- Good, now let the real fun begin!
My heart rate speed up, and I started to sweat rapidly, my breathing got heavier and my body tenser.
Banks grabbed the large, sharp knife and begin tracing light lines down my arms.
It didn't hurt, but I could tell in was going to get a whole lot worse...

Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now