Chapter 42

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Please Don't Die...
Chapter 42

(Sammy's POV)
J- So what do you say? Christmas with me?
S- Sure!
J- Yay! I'll call mom later, and tell her to set another place at the dinner table.
S- Are you sure she won't mind?
J- Of course not, she loves having guests over, and she loves cooking as well, so the more people, the better.
S- So I'll have to meet your family?
J- Haha, yep!
S- Okay, now I'm nervous, what if they don't like me.
J- Don't be, you and Syd will get along great, and Ava loves your vlogs, so I'm sure she will like you, and Isla, well, she likes all of my friends, and they are all guys, she needs another girl around.
S- Mmm, okay then.

We got back to the house to be greeted by Logan and Brendan.
L- Sammmyyyyyyy
S- Logannnnnnnn
B- Sammmmyyyyy
S- Brendannnnnnn, long time no see.
B- I know right, Logan told me everything that happened, are you okay?
S- Getting there, it's just the nightmares that are hard to deal with.
Brendan walked over and gave me a hug.
L- Well, we are here to help you move in!
S- Oh really, so instead of recording a new song, you are here to help me unpack??
B- Damn, she knows bro.
S- Jack told me.
L- Dammit.
S- Haha, let's go inside. What's the song called?
L- Help me help you.
S- Nice, can I hear it?
L- (laughing)We need to record it first.
S- (laughing) Oh yeah, right.

2 hours later, all the boys were finished recording, the song sounded amazing.
I started to unpack all of the boxes with my stuff in it, and took it up to Jack, Daniels and my room, before I was interrupted.
L- Hey Sammy, I need to ask you something.
S- Shoot.
L- Well, I need a girl in this Help Me help you music video, and I was wondering if you would like to be her?
L- (laughing) Woah jeez calm down.
S- Sorry, I'm just excited.
L- That's understandable. We start shooting in a week, I want it ready before Christmas, the guys will tell you all the details, just be there!
S- Okay, sure!
L- BRENDAN LETS GO! Cya Sammy, have fun unpacking, I miss you already, it's not as fun without you.
S- Aww, I miss you too, cya Brendan, bye Logan!

Once they left, I turned on some music, and started unpacking. It took me 5 hours but I was finally done. This place was slowly starting to feel like home.
I sat on my bed and started putting up Polaroid pictures on the wall. They were of me and my friends from back in Australia, seeing them made me think of how much I miss them. I stuck the last photo in the centre, it was of Jayden and I, he was kissing my cheek. We haven't kissed properly yet, I'm not ready, I will when the time is right.
Daniel and Jack walked into the room, causing me to jump a little.
D- Woah, it looks great in here.
S- Thanks, what's up?
J- We're going to bed.
S- What! What's the time?
D- 11pm.
S- Jeez that was fast, I haven't even had lunch or dinner.
J- Do you want me to make you something?
S- Nah, I'm not that hungry anyways.
D- Are you sure? We can order postmates, I'm a little hungry myself.
S- Well.... Postmates does sound good....
J- Yay, let's get pizza!
S- Sounds good.

Daniel ordered pizza, then we all sat on my bed in a little circle and starting talking.
D- So, Sammy, how come we've never heard about this boyfriend of yours?
S- I don't know, you've never asked, but you will meet him tomorrow, he's on a plane here, right now.
D- Oh.
He looked over at Jack.
D- Cool, tell us about him, I need more info.
S- Well, his name is Jayden, he is very sporty, he's in year 11 just like me, but he isn't very smart, he should stick to sports. He wants to be a professional AFL player when he's older.
J- What's AFL?
S- Oh right, I forgot you guys were American. AFL stands for the Australian Football League, it's basically football, but not the football as in soccer, it's where you have an oval shaped ball, and you kick it in between 4 goal posts.
D- Oh cool.
S- I'll have to take you to a game if you come to Australia.
J- Yay!
D- So, how long have you been dating Jayden?
S- 4 months, but I've only been properly dating him for 1 month, the other 3 have been long distance.
J- Isn't it hard being half way across the world from each other?
S- Yeah, but we manage, I'm loyal to him, and I hope he is loyal to me.
D- Have you guys kissed yet?
S- No..
D- Really?
S- I like to take things slow but.... but today h-he said I love you...
D- Did you say it back?
S- No, I'm not ready, I don't know if I love him yet.
D- Oh, okay.
S- When is our food getting here?
D- Umm, the guy said it could be an hours wait, apperently they get a lot of late night pizza calls.

1 hour passed and the pizza still wasn't here.
J- Wheres the pizza, I'm so hungry.
D- Let me check.
Daniel called the pizza place and asked how long the delivery guy was going to take.

(On the phone)
A/N- He hasn't arrived yet?
D- No.
A/N- I'll track his car, please hold.

A/N- Umm, your delivery man has been in a car accident.
D- Oh my god is he okay?
A/N- We are trying to find out now, would you like a refund, or we can send another person to deliver your pizza.
D- Ahh, could you send another person? That would be great.... okay.... Thankyou.

(End phone call)
D- The guy must have been in a car accident, they are sending another person out.
J- How long will it take?
D- Ahh, 3 hours.
S- Ughhh I'm starving.
J- Hey, that gives us more time to talk, and I wouldn't be able to get to sleep anyways.
S- Same, I'm scared that I'm going to have nightmares again...

4 hours later, there was a knock on the door. I ran downstairs to get it. Finally the pizza guy is here. Jack and Daniel followed me quietly down the stairs, it was 4am, and we didn't want to wake the others.
I opened the door, but it wasn't the pizza guy.
S- OMG.......

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Please Don't Die (No.1) (WHY DON'T WE FANFIC) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now