Chapter 44 The Sting of Summer

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Kassidy POV

The day had finally arrived, the last day of school. My last day as a junior. I told David the night before that I was staying at Ruby's but really.. I was staying at Killian's. It sucked that I had to lie about Killian still, but I wasn't ready to tell David. Not yet. I loved Killian, and needed him alive. I was getting ready when Killian came up behind me and pulled at the string to my bikini top making it fall off.

"Oops." He smirked.

"Bad Killian!" I said and tapped his nose.

"How on earth am I supposed to focus on teaching when I know you are wearing this.. under your school clothes?" He asked.

"You plan on teaching? Who teaches on the last day of school?!"

"I do." He said. "Why are you wearing a bathing suit?" He asked as I retied the bikini string.

"Because after school, the girls and I are going to the beach." I said and smirked. He ran his hand down my back. I shivered.

"It would be a shame if I gave you detention.. on the last day of school." He whispered and pressed his lips in that sensitive spot behind my ear. My breath hitched.

No. No it would not.

I turned to face him. "You wouldn't." I said. He smirked playfully.

"Maybe.. I could be nice. If you come over when you are done at the beach." He said.

"I think that can be arranged." I grinned and slipped on my skirt. He glanced at the clock behind me. I reached down to pick up my shirt and he caught my wrist. I looked up at him.

"To hell with waiting." He said and picked me up. I shrieked as he tossed me on the bed.

"Killian we will be late!" I giggled as he kissed all over my neck and chest.

"I don't care." He said and smirked. 

I walked into the school, just a few minutes after the bell rang and was greeted at the door by Miss Mills.

"I know its the last day of school Miss Cole, but I still expect you to be on time." She said. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Sorry." I said. She narrowed her eyes at me. What the hell did I ever do to this woman??

"I still don't know how you managed to get all that work done in time." She said suspiciously.

"I worked day and night until it was done." I lied.

"Sure." She said.

"Okay seriously, what is your deal with me?" I asked.

"I just think.. that you think you are above rules.. and that you are invincible. Mr. Collins took it way too easy on you, but rest assured Miss Cole, next year, I'll have my eyes on you, and the first time you slip up, I will be there."

I glared at her. "Bring it on." I said. She smirked and walked away. I grumbled and walked to class. 

It was the last class of the day and we were all watching the clock. Even Killian, he was ready for summer break too, Summer break meant, more time we could spend together without worrying about school. We could just be us and with it being summer. I was ready to be out from under Miss Mills, eye for three months. I tapped my fingers impatiently counting down the seconds. When the Bell rang everyone cheered.

"Settle down!" Killian said. "I haven't dismissed you yet."

"But Mr. Jones, We want to go!" Neal said.

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