Chapter 5 The Princess of Sarcasm

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A/N: I should mention that every chapter from here on out will probably have some form of strong language. 
Trigger Warning: This chapter has mentions of abuse. 

Kassidy POV

I was awake well before my alarm, and showered, dressed and ready for the day by 7. I was actually excited for school today for whatever reason. After yesterdays horrible day, today had to be better right? For whatever reason I was really excited to turn in my math homework, not only had I finished it, but I was pretty confident that it was mostly right. I walked down the stairs. My dad looked at his watch.

"Downstairs before 7:30. I'm shocked. What's the occasion?" He asked.

"I went to bed earlier?" I said and shrugged.

"Probably because you weren't staring at your phone all night. Maybe you should leave it at school more often." He grinned. I gave him an unamused look. I walked to the coffee pot and poured a cup of coffee and walked to the table to sit with him. He folded his paper and smiled.

"Its been a while, since we've had coffee together." He said.

"Well you know conflicting schedules." I said.

"I'm sorry, Kass. Its just work is really tough right now." He replied.

"I wouldn't think it would be so bad. this town is really quiet." I said with a shrug. "What are you working on?" I asked.

"You know I can't discuss my cases with you." He said.

"Doesn't hurt to try.." I muttered.

"So, how is school. Do you like it? Any friends?" He asked.

"Yeah. Its alright I have a few friends." I said and smiled.

"What about your teachers? Do you like them?" He asked. I wasn't sure why the simple question nearly made me choke. What was going on with me?

"They're teachers dad. No one likes them." I replied.

"That makes me look forward to parent teacher conferences..." He sighed heavily. "I know, you and your mother had that thing, but it nearly got you expelled last year Kass."

"Last year was rough." I said in my defense. Last year was absolute shit was a more accurate description.

"I know. But I know you. Please try to stay out of trouble." He said.

"Sure." I said and glanced away. Dad quickly changed the subject.

"So...any new boyfriends?" He asked. I put my head in my hands and groaned.

"Dad. Its the third day." I said.

"Well.. I was just curious. I know how things ended with Dy-" He started but I cut him off.

"Don't. Say. His. Name." I said narrowing my eyes.

"Honey. Hes not Voldemort. Bad things will not happen to you if you say his name." My dad said.

"He may as well be. We don't speak of him. Okay? Its too early for this. and your...odd references to the dark lord."

"Fair enough. I guess." Dad said and stood up. "I have to go to work. You staying late again?"

"Yes." I said. "Algebra is killing me." I added.

"Well its good you want to get the extra help, but I plan to be home early tonight and I was hoping to actually spend more than 15 minutes with you. I thought we could go to dinner."

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