Chapter 15 Safe Haven

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Kassidy POV

I walked through the front door to my house and walked towards the stairs.

"Kassidy Cole!" My Dad said as he walked out of the kitchen.


I turned to face him. He was angry. so angry.

"Yes Dad?" I said.

"I just got off the phone with David Nolan. He and his wife came back early this morning. Their house was trashed. Apparently there was a party at Emma's last night?" He asked and folded his arms across his chest.

"Well.. I mean, define party.." I said. truthfully I had no recollection of the party.

"Don't play dumb with me! I know you were there, and I know you were drinking!" he said. I sighed.

"Okay if you know I was there, why are you asking me?!" I demanded that was definitely not the right thing to say.

"You are grounded." He said

"figured as much." I said and rolled my eyes.

"I don't even know who you are anymore Kass." He said and frowned.

"You might if you were here more often." I said and walked up the stairs and into my room slamming the door.

I opened my facebook and went to my group message with Emma, Ruby, and Belle


Everyone else face the wrath of their parents?


I've never seen mine so mad! Grounded for the rest of my life probably. :/


I thought Granny was going to have a stroke.


am I the only one not grounded??




Where did you go last night Kassidy?? I had to lie for you when your Dad called and say you stayed here but you texted me last night and said you were home and fine!


I was Drunk Ruby, I woke up by the docks.


Jeeze! I thought I was bad.

I hated lying to them but I couldn't tell them where I really was. Everything was about to change. I was going to have to keep the biggest secret of all from them. From everyone. My phone beeped I looked down at it, it was a text from Killian.


You make it home okay?


Yeah. :) Walked into an absolute shit show though, My dad found out about the party.


Yikes and you are alive to return my texts?


For now. I'm grounded though.


So I guess you wont be coming back over later?


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