Chapter 16 Rose

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Kassidy POV

"Kassidy.." I heard Killian's voice I groaned and rolled over and snuggled into the couch trying to ignore it. I didn't want to wake up yet.

"Kassidy, Wake up." Killian said and nudged me.

"No." I said. "I want to sleep."

"Its 6 in the morning." Killian said. My eyes shot open and I raised my head up and blew my hair out of my face.

"Come again?" I asked.

"Its 6 in the morning, your father keeps calling you. We fell asleep!"

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!!" I shouted and pulled myself off the couch. "I am so dead." I grabbed my jacket that I threw on the floor last night and put it on and ran out the door.

You can't just run out the door without saying anything! I ran back in the house and threw myself at him hugging him enjoying his tight embrace for possibly the last time before my father killed me. He tilted my chin up and placed his lips on mine.

Can I just stay here forever?

Killian pulled away. "You have to go." He said.

I pouted at him. "Can we just fake my death and move to Mexico?" I asked. He smirked and started pushing me out the door. "Go, maybe if you get home soon he wont kill you." He said.

"Okay, I will see you Monday!" I said and took off running down the street trying to think of some sort of excuse as to why I was not home.

Once I made it to my street I could see my Dad standing in the driveway. I walked the rest of the way in no hurry to meet certain death.

"Jesus Christ Kassidy! Where the hell have you been?!" Dad demanded as I walked into the driveway.

"I'm sorry, I just now saw your calls, I woke up early and decided to do a morning jog my phone was on silent."

"Do you not know how to leave a note?! I have been panicking for the past hour!" He yelled.

"Dad! I'm sorry, I just wasn't thinking. Its just since Dylan my head hasn't been all that clear." I said. He frowned.

"I'm sorry Kass but you've got to get your head in the game. Partying, pacing the house all night, slipping out in the morning without letting me know, its got to stop!" He said

"I don't know what you want me to do Dad! I can't sleep without having nightmares!"

"Maybe its time to go back on the meds?" He asked.

I narrowed my eyes. "Out of the question." I said and stormed into the house.

"Kass they really helped you!" He said following me into the house.

"No, they helped you! because you couldn't deal with my grief and yours when mom died, so you fed me medicine that turned me into an unfeeling zombie!"

"Kassidy this isn't you baby, You are angry, all the time." He said.

"If you were here more often, you would see that I'm not angry all the time. I'm only angry because you see me for 15 minutes a week and decide you fucking know me!" I shouted.

"Kassidy Monet Cole!" He shouted. I just shook my head and walked up the stairs

"Don't you walk away from me!" He snapped.

"Piss off!" I yelled back at him and walked to my room slamming my door. I slipped my shoes off and laid on my bed looking at my phone.

New message from Killian Jones

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