Chapter 41 New York State of Mind.

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Killian POV

My mind raced, as did my heart all I could think about was Kassidy, was she safe? was she alive? Emma was panicking too.

"Um.. Crap. Okay. I'm going to get Ruby and Belle, and we are going to go look for her. Okay mom?" She asked. Mrs. Nolan nodded.

"Okay. Call me the second you find her, or anything that might lead to where she is." She said. Emma nodded and ran out of the classroom. I threw my jacket on and grabbed my Keys. Mrs. Nolan stood in my way.

"I have to go Mary Margaret." I said panicking.

"You're slipping Killian." She said.

"What are you talking about??" I Asked.

"I'm not stupid Killian. I know what's going on, With you and Kassidy." She said. I ran my hand through my hair.

"Okay, Good. Fucking fantastic, I don't have time for this!" I said.

"Killian. Stop!" She said.

"I have to find her!" I said.

"We will find her. But you have to calm down, and take a breather." I sighed. She was right I wasn't going to be able to find Kassidy if I couldn't think straight. I sat on the edge of my desk and put my head in my hands.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"I started putting things together When Kassidy was shot, You seemed to be incredibly attached to her and I thought maybe I was just over thinking things. Until Parent night. When you opened the closet, Kassidy thought I couldn't see her but I could see her between the door hinges." She said.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

"Because.." She said and then sighed. "You're one hell of a teacher Killian and I really don't think that you two being in love is so horrible that I needed to ruin both of your lives over it." She said. I was a little surprised. I knew Mary Margaret was possibly the nicest of the staff, but I didn't think she would ever do this.

"You changed her, for the better. She was a mess when she first got here, But she quickly turned into one of the top students, she started to care, and you turned into much less of a grouch. Students don't flee in terror from your class anymore. You both taught each other something much more important than Algebra, or history. You taught each other how to love and who am I to ruin that?" She smiled.

I returned her smile.

"Wow..I don't know what to say Mary Margaret.." I said.

"You don't have to say anything, Just.. be more careful other teachers or students may not see it the same way. Now go, find her." She said.

I nodded.

"Thank you. So much." I said and left the classroom in a hurry. I had to find Kassidy before anything bad happened.

Kassidy POV

I sat in my hotel room, looking out the window at the view of New York City. The lights were captivating and from up here, I felt invisible. I needed to get away for a little, where no one knew me, where I just had time to think, and to process without David checking on me every 5 minutes, or Mary Margaret trying to shove food down my throat or Emma, Ruby and Belle asking me when I'd be ready to come back to school. I just needed it all to stop for a minute. I sighed and opened my laptop and the second I did, I was hit with a flood of emails. I shouldn't have, but I clicked them. They were all from Killian, and there was at least 50 message notifications from my group message with Emma Ruby and Belle on Facebook. I felt bad for not telling them where I was going. They were all probably worried sick, especially Killian. I could only imagine how he felt right now after what he went through when he found me over dosing on pain killers in my bath tub. I clicked on the Email from Killian.

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