Chapter 37 Already Gone

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A/N:  just a little bit of a warning: This chapter is a little intense and emotional in places. 

Kassidy POV

I ran out the back door as I saw Tom reach for his Taser.

"Tom! Stop!" I shouted. Tom looked up at me.

"Stay back Kassidy!" He shouted.

"Don't hurt him!" I yelled. "Please!"

"He was jumping the fence." Tom said.

"I know he was, I told him to! Hes okay. Please.. just let him up." I said and walked over. Tom Got up and helped Killian up and took the handcuffs off of him.

"What the hell is going on here Kassidy?!" Tom asked and folded his arms across his chest. "Why is this man sneaking around in your back yard?"

" boyfriend." I said. Tom looked Killian up and down. "A little old to be your boyfriend isn't He Kassidy?" He asked.

"Just.. don't tell my Dad." I said.

"Its too late, I called him as soon as I saw him and if I know your Dad.. you are going to be in one hell of a mess when he gets here." Tom said. I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"Do you have any idea what the hell you just did?!"

"Its going to be okay Kass." Killian said.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Tom said.

"Ugh.. Tom! Just go watch the fucking side walk!" I screamed.

"Hey! Watch it." Tom said. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Kassidy Calm down before you get yourself arrested." Killian said. My Dad came out into the back yard from the house. Tom looked at me.

"Best of luck to you." He said and walked back to his post. Dad approached me.

"Kass.. what is he doing here?" He asked looking at Killian. I looked away.

"Inside. NOW." He said. I bowed my head and walked inside. This was it. This was how it was going to end. Killian followed me inside and my Dad followed him and slammed the door.

"Explain. Now." He said.

"Dad.. I don't know what you want me to say.." I said.

"I want you to tell me why the hell, your Algebra teacher is sneaking into our back yard on a saturday!" Dad yelled. I flinched I hadn't seen him this angry since I stole his car when I was 14 and drove into the mailbox.

"Sean.. if you would just calm down this might be easier to explain." Killian said.

"You! Don't get to speak right now!" Dad said and looked at me.

"Is this the boyfriend you've been so secretive about?!" He asked. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think and Dad screaming at me was not helping.

"Answer me Kassidy!" He yelled.

"Stop Fucking yelling at me for two seconds!" I screamed.

"Answer the God Damned Question!" He screamed back.

"YES! Okay? Yes! Killian is my boyfriend." I yelled. Dad didn't say anything for a few seconds. He looked at Killian.

"Is this true?" He asked.

"Yes.. it is." Killian said. Killian didn't even have time to move before my Dads fist hit him right in the face.

"Dad!" I screamed and pushed him away from Killian. I looked at Killian who now had a broken nose. "Jesus Christ Dad you broke his nose!" I yelled.

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