Chapter 33 Oh, Brother.

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Kassidy POV

I walked through my front door around 6:30, I wanted to give Killian some more time to rest so I left a little early. My house had a different feel to it after not being here for 3 days it didn't even feel like home anymore. My Dad walked out of the kitchen and smiled.

"You're right on time, Pizza just got here." He said.

"Awesome." I said and smiled at him and followed him into the kitchen. I grabbed a slice of pizza and put it on a plate before sitting down at the table across from him.

"So how did the dance go?" He asked.

"It was good." I said.

"Your date must have been a bigger deal than you said he was considering that giant hickey on your neck." He said. I almost choked on my pizza.

Fuck. I forgot about that.

"Uh.." It was all I could manage to say at this moment.

"So I'm just going to assume that you weren't at Ruby's this weekend...unless there's something else you'd like to tell me." He said.

"No.. Dad..Um.."

"Its okay Kass..I'm not mad." He said.

Am I fucking dreaming?

"You've been really happy lately and after the last couple of years, Its good to see you smile and mean it.  I just wish you didn't think you had to hide your boyfriend from me."

"Its just complicated Dad. I want you to meet him, I really do but you have to understand that its not possible right now."

"Did he give you that ring?" He asked gesturing to the promise ring on my finger.

"Yes." I said and smiled.

"So things must be pretty serious. How long has this been a thing?"

"November." I said.

"And you...are being careful right?" He asked.

"Yes Dad of course." I said still surprised by how calm he was being about this.

"Do I at least get the boys name?" he asked.

"No I know you you'll be running a background check as soon as we finish dinner." I said and laughed.

"Can you blame me...After Dylan.."

"Hes not Dylan, Dad.." I said.

"Well you dated Dylan for 3 years before he showed his ugly side." He said.

"I know but its not like that this time. I promise.." I said. "I don't want to talk about Dylan. Okay?"

"Okay. I'm sorry." He said. "So I was thinking this weekend, we could take a trip to New York. You could see some of your old friends."

"Sure that sounds fun Dad." I said and smiled.

"Great, I'll book the hote-" He started to say but was cut off by the sudden sound of shattering glass as something came through the kitchen window.

"Get down!" Dad hissed. I quickly ducked under the table. Dad knelt down and looked at me. "Stay here, stay quiet and don't move until I say so." He whispered. I nodded. He stood up and I listened closely as he walked around the kitchen broken glass crunched under his shoes. I was too scared to even breathe. I heard the back door open.

Dad...what the hell are you doing??

I thought that maybe with all the good things happening lately, that my streak of bad luck was finally broken but that clearly wasn't the case. I moved slightly trying to see what was happening and put my hand on a piece of broken glass. I bit my lip trying to suppress a scream. It felt like eternity before Dad finally came back in.

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