Chapter 12 Who's going home with you tonight?

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Kassidy POV

I had barely slept  the past couple of days and I was feeling it by lunch time. I didn't feel like eating. I just laid my head on the table.

"Kassidy why don't you just go home, you look awful." Emma said.

"I'm fine." I said.

"No you aren't you've been falling asleep all day." Ruby said. "I don't think you were ready to come back. What happened to you was scary Kassidy."

I lifted my head from the table. "Guys. I promise I'm fine! I'm over it." I said. I wasn't but I didn't like everyone worrying about me. The truth is, I was scared to go to sleep, and I was terrified to go home today because I knew I'd be there all alone for a few hours.

"Okay..if you say so." Ruby said. " still hurt?" She asked.

"A little." I said and shrugged. "Hes not coming back though. So Don't worry my Dad made it pretty clear he wouldn't survive if he did."

"You're Dad is going to have to get in line." Emma said. I smiled.

"I love you guys." I said.

"Well duh." Belle grinned.

"Do you think you are going to feel up to my party Friday night?" Emma asked.

"Of course! Nothing keeps me from a party." I said with a grin.

"You would think that your dad being a cop would keep you from parties." Belle said.

"What he doesn't know doesnt hurt." I said and shrugged. "Are you going to be there?"

"Yes. But only to keep the three of you from getting too crazy." Belle said

"Me? Crazy? Nah.." Ruby said and grinned.

Killian POV

I watched my juniors file into the classroom. Kassidy was the last one in the room. She looked like the walking dead. There were dark circles around her eyes, her face was pale and she just looked exhausted. Maybe she came back too soon. She sat down in her chair and pulled out her history book and opened it. She was so tired she didn't even realize she had the wrong book.

"Kassidy.." Ruby said.

"What?" Kassidy replied.

"Wrong book." She said. Kassidy looked down at her History book.

"Oh. Oops." She said and closed the book and put it back in her backpack. She grabbed her algebra book and put it on the desk and propped her elbow up on the desk and rested her chin in her hand.

"Everyone open up to Chapter 8, Section 3 please." I said. Everyone opened their books Ruby leaned over and opened Kassidy's book and nudged her shoulder.

"Kass!" She whispered. Kassidy opened her eyes quickly and looked down at her book.

Halfway through the lesson, I noticed Kassidy had face planted her book and was sleeping. I looked at Miss Lucas who was trying to get her to wake up to no avail. I tried to pretend like I didn't notice. She needed the rest. I finished the lesson Just in time for the Bell to ring. Which startled Kassidy awake. She screamed, pushed her Algebra book off of the desk and fell out of her chair onto the floor. The classroom erupted with laughter.

"Alright, Alright! Its nothing to laugh at!" I shouted. "Don't forget to work the problems in this chapter and bring them to me in the morning!" I said. The students all groaned as they gathered their things and left the classroom.

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