Chapter 11 Confused

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Kassidy POV

I didn't know what was going on. My head was killing me and people were talking to me and I just wanted them to stop. I had no clue where I was even I was having a hard time seeing.

"What happened?" a woman asked.

"I don't know." I muttered.

"She was assaulted." I heard Mr. Jones say from beside me. What the heck was he doing here? Was this even real? I was so confused.

"There is a boy from New York that has been stalking her. Dylan Hendrixson, I was driving home, and I saw him attacking her at the docks." Mr. Jones said. "I got him away from her, and he attacked me. She tried to stop him and He punched her in the side of the head. His ring, caught her face right there." Killian said and I felt his hand on the side of my face. I blinked a few times. I really just wanted to go to sleep. I closed my eyes.

"Hey.. hey stay awake." Killian said. I turned my head and looked at him. My vision was started to clear up.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We are at the hospital." Killian said. "You're okay." He smiled. I looked at the blood on his white shirt and frowned.

"You are hurt." I said.

"No, Kassidy I'm fine." He said.

Killian POV

Poor Kassidy was so confused, Dylan had hit her so hard.

"Have you gotten ahold of her father yet?" I asked the doctor.

"Yes, hes on his way in." The doctor said. "She's going to be just fine. Just a pretty bad concussion. If you'll just keep talking with her to keep her awake that would be great. Until her father gets here." The doctor said.

"Sure." I said. I wasn't going to leave her alone in here for the world.

"I will be back in a moment." The doctor said and walked out of the room.

"Killian.." Kassidy said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Thank you." She said.

"Of course." I said. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts. A lot. I don't know exactly what happened.. I just know Dylan was there and you were there, and then I remember getting hit and thats it. My mouth hurts too." She said and touched her lip that had been busted from him back handing her before I punched him.

"Hes never going to touch you again Kassidy." I said.

"Kassidy??" A man said as he walked into the room, I guessed from the police badged that was hooked to his pants pocket that This was her father.

"Oh..Honey you look awful." He said and ran his hand through her hair.

"I'm okay Daddy.." She said but that was far from the truth. Mr. Cole looked over at me.

"You must be Mr. Jones, the one who brought her in?" He asked and extended his hand. I shook his hand.

"Killian Jones." I said.

"Sean Cole." He said. "Thank you, Mr. Jones for helping her." He said and noticed my hand that was starting to bruise.

"You hit him?" He asked.

"Uh.. well..yeah." I said.

Great, you're going to get arrested for hitting a minor. I thought

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