Chapter 2 King of Assholes

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Kassidy ran down the hall the bell had just rung and she was late. She had been in the bathroom on the phone with one of her friends from New York and lost track of time. Of course it was the last class of the day with the King of assholes himself Mr. Jones. So.. this was a good way to test those waters. She got to the door to the classroom and went to open it and it was locked. She kicked at the door and twisted the knob. She heard the lock click and the door opened and she was met by a set of piercing blue eyes belonging to a man who towered over her in height, he had messy dark hair that she wanted to tangle her fingers in. his stubbled jaw was clenched with anger.

"Miss Cole I'm guessing?" He asked. His accent catching her a little off guard for just a moment.

"Um. Yes." She said as she started to step into the classroom. Mr. Jones stood in her way.

"You are late." He said.

"Well.. I'm new and I was looking for the classroom." Kassidy lied. Mr. Jones stepped into the hall and closed the door behind him.

"You get a free pass today. But starting tomorrow, when that bell rings, this door locks. If you aren't here, you don't get in. If you aren't here, you fail. Am I clear?" He asked

"Yes." She said. He looked her up and down.

"You are aware that there is a dress code Miss Cole?"

"So I've been told. By every teacher ahead of you." She said with an eye roll.

"Perhaps you should take a hint?" Mr. Jones asked and folded his arms across his chest. Kassidy rolled her eyes again.

"Can I come to class now? Or..are you just going to keep wasting my time?" She asked and listened as students gasped and whispered amongst themselves. Mr. Jones clenched his jaw.

"Yes, You can come to class Miss Cole, and you can also stay for detention." He said and stepped aside. Kassidy raised her eyebrow giving him a smirk before walking in the classroom and sitting beside Ruby.

"You are insane." Ruby snickered.

"Would you like to join Miss Cole for detention Miss Lucas?"

"No sir." Ruby said but smirked looking down at her Algebra book.

"Told you." Emma whispred.

"That was nothing." Kassidy smirked. Mr. Jones stood up at the front of the class writing on his chalk board Kassidy pulled out her notebook and took notes as he spoke.

Killians POV

I glanced at Kassidy as I spoke half expecting her to be texting, or doing anything else besides hanging onto every word I said. Maybe I judged her to quickly. She looked up at me and gave me a 'What are you looking at?' look. Maybe not. Her attitude was horrible. But I could perhaps tolerate it, if her grades were decent. There was something to this girl that I found myself needing to figure out and I wasn't sure why.

"See something you like Mr. Jones?" Kassidy smirked I could feel my jaw clench. What was it with this girl?? 

Watch it Cole.. I thought.

"Miss Cole, unless you would like to find yourself back on the other side of that door, I'd suggest you keep your attitude in check. I don't know what they allowed in New York, but I assure you it wont get you far in my classroom." I said with gritted teeth.

"Thats what they all say." Kassidy muttered.

"Excuse me?" I asked arching my eyebrow.

"Nothing. Carry on Mr. Jones. Can't you see I'm taking notes?" She grinned.

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