Chapter 35 Close Call

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A/N: Just a goofy little filler chapter. More crazy drama to come in the next chapter! Enjoy <3 

Kassidy POV

I grabbed a few things around my room and tossed them into the duffle bag on my bed. I was slowly working on moving things to Killian's house without my Dad noticing, I really didn't want to have that conversation with him right now. For the most part I was still living here. I was still worried about the threats my Dad had been receiving and Dad was still more worried about my safety than his own and of course, Killian was in agreement with him that I didn't need to be home alone. If the two of them could actually spend time together they'd be besties. I thought and rolled my eyes. There was a light knock on the door. I quickly zipped the duffle bag and threw it under the bed.

"Come in!" I said. Dad opened the door and walked in and smiled.

"Are you ever coming out of here? You've been up here all day." He said.

"Sorry, I've just been busy." I said. He looked around the room.

"I feel like you used to have a lot more stuff." He said.

"Nope, same stuff as always." I lied.

"Okay, if you say so." He said and sat down on my bed. "I'm sorry, I know you've been worried about the threats and everything. David and I are almost certain we know who it is."

"Who?" I asked.

"I can't tell you right now." Dad said. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course you can't." I said.

"I know.. I'm sorry. And I'm really sorry but our trip to New York has to be postponed."

"Of course it does." I said. "Dad, this was our weekend to get away from all of this. You gotta take a break." I said.

"I will. Its just with all this extra time I've been investing into this, I've put my other duties aside. I'm really sorry."

"Its fine." I said. It wasn't, but this was the normal with us now. It had been for a while. "You Are going to Parent night at school tonight right?" I asked.

"Of course. I love going to your school to listen to your teachers tell me what a Holy terror you've been." He said and grinned.

"Hey, I've been somewhat good this year. 3 of my 7 teachers love me." I said and smirked.

One of them REALLY loves me.

"Well what's not to love." Dad said. "But really.. is there anything you need to tell me before I go?" He asked.

You mean like...I'm dating my algebra teacher and currently moving my things into his house?

"Nope. I like to leave it to surprise." I grinned.

"Kass." He said and gave me a look.

"Really. I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised. Just ignore what Miss Mills says. She hates everyone.." I said.

"Good." Dad said and smiled. My phone beeped. I walked over to my desk and looked at it.


No one is here. Come help me set up my classroom for tonight.


Be there asap.

"I gotta go, Ruby and I are going to go to the mall, and then catch a movie." I said.

"Okay, have fun." Dad said and smiled at me.

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