Chapter 31 Promise

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Kassidy POV

I walked out of the office, Killian was typing something on his phone.

"Who ya talking to?" I asked. He turned and looked at me and almost dropped his phone into the pot on the stove.

"Liam." He said quickly. My heart dropped. He was lying to me.

"Dinner is almost ready." he said "Did you finish your History paper? I could proof read it for you."

"No. I'll finish it later." I said and slipped on my shoes that were sitting by the fire. They were still a little damp.

"Where are you going?" Killian asked.

"Just got to step outside for a minute my head is a little foggy." I said and took my coat off the hook by the door and put it on.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Peachy." I said and walked out the front door. I was not peachy. I was pissed off.

Killian POV

Kassidy had been outside for a little over 20 minutes, she had seemed a little irritated when she left so I wanted to give her some space, but it was freezing outside and there was still ice out there so I was getting a little worried. I turned the stove off and set the spaghetti on the back burner and walked to the door grabbing my coat before walking outside. Kassidy was sitting on the porch.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I don't know." She said. I went to sit by her but she stood up and walked off the porch and to the walk way.

"Kassidy what's wrong?" I asked.

"Who were you really talking to?" She asked.

"I told you.. Liam." I said.

"Really. Because I'm pretty sure it was fucking Milah! I saw the messages! Why is she messaging you Killian?!" She screamed.


I sighed heavily. "How did you see those?" I asked.

She scoffed. "Wrong. Fucking. Answer." She said and started walking away.

"Kassidy wait!" I said and followed her. She spun around.

"Why?! Why should I?!" She demanded.

"You have to let me explain." I said.

"Well you better fucking hurry." She said. "Why is she asking you to come over? and Why did you say you'd call her?"

"She's probably drunk, Kass. I said I was going to call her to tell her to stop messaging me. I promise."

Kassidy gave me a look that suggested she didn't believe me. I couldn't really blame her.

"Kass..come on its freezing out here come back inside. We can talk about this while we eat."

She shook her head. "No.. I don't believe you. Why is she even still on your friends list?! and why couldn't you just message her to stop messaging you. or I don't know Block her??"

"I don't know why I kept her on there Kass. It was stupid. I know, and I should have just blocked her. I figured if I called her, and she could hear that I wasn't interested it would get through to her. Please.. Believe me." I begged.

She sighed heavily. "I don't know what to believe." She said.

"Come inside. Please." I said and held out my hand.

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