Chapter 25 Caught

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is really short. But, the ending packs a punch and I felt it was a nice cliffhanger. 
Don't hate me. XD 

Kassidy POV

I sat at home looking in my mirror touching the scratches on my face.

That bitch..

Though I was a little surprised, I hadn't gotten into a fight like that since I Sparta kicked a little girl off the slide in preschool for stealing my cookie. I wasn't normally a violent person and I usually handled mean girls much better than that but when she talked like that about my father I just couldn't control myself. He did what he did to protect me, himself, and David I had no doubt that Dylan would have shot them too if my Dad hadn't shot him first. Zelena was crazy, and she didn't know Dylan at all. My phone beeped beside me.


Sorry you had to get sent home. I really didn't want to have to do that.


Its fine. Its not your fault, I probably shouldn't have slapped her.


Nah, she deserved it. She's been running her mouth about it for the entire class.


That bitch didn't get sent home??


You started the fight.


She did. I just finished it.


You should see the number you did on her face. She's crying because she thinks she will have to wear a paper bag over her head for Winter Formal


It would probably be an improvement even without what I did to her face.


I just laughed like really loud and now the class is staring at me.


Shouldn't you be teaching Mr. Jones? ;)




Get to work. Slacker.


Don't make me come over there Cole.


Don't threaten me with a good time, Jones.

I put my phone beside me laughing about Zelenas paper bag comment, then again my face didn't look any better I was probably going to have to hide mine too.

Wait a minute. Oh..Kassidy Cole you genius That's it!

I quickly opened my group message between Ruby, Emma and Belle


So.. what about A Masquerade Ball for winter formal?


Ohh..Mysterious! I love it!


YES. That would be so pretty!


I can already see the decorations.


Heads up guys, Jones is giving us the penance stare.


Sorry! couldn't wait to tell you my idea.

I put my phone down again and squealed. This was perfect, everyone would be wearing masks, So Killian and I could be there together and No one would know. My phone went off I glanced down at it and giggled.


Stop texting your friends when they are in my Class!


But it was super important! Besides, you are texting me, when you should be teaching your class!


What was so important it couldn't wait 15 minutes?


You'll see. ;)


You are scheming. Should I be worried?



A Few Days Later

Killian POV

I sat at my desk during lunch hour trying to catch up on some paper work, when something was slammed down on my desk in front of me.

"Boom!" Kassidy said. I looked up at Kassidy and smiled.

"You managed to sneak away from your friends long enough to actually see me?" I asked. Kassidy had been very busy with Ruby Emma and Belle the past few days working on plans for the Winter Formal that was less than a month away now.

"Yes." She said and smirked and pointed to the flyer she put on my desk. "I did a thing." She said. I looked down at the flyer for the winter formal.

"Its very nice." I said and looked up at her. She slapped her forehead.

"No. Look." She said and pointed to the words Masquerade Ball. "I came up with the idea, so that we could be there. Together." She said. "Everyone will be wearing Masks. No one will know who anyone is." She grinned.

"That is brilliant!" I said and smiled. "How did you come up with this?"

"I was inspired by Zelena and her paper bag comment." She said and laughed. "Either way her ugly face is covered. And, we are hidden from everyone else." She said and reached across the desk stealing one of my potato chips.

"Perfect." I said and smirked. "So I suppose I should probably properly ask, Kassidy Cole, would you be my date to Winter Formal?" I asked.

"I, Kassidy Cole would love to be your date to Winter Formal Killian Jones." She said and kissed me.

Somebody cleared their throat. I pulled away from Kassidy and looked towards the door that Kassidy had obviously forgotten to Lock. Ruby was standing there, staring at us with her hands on her hips and an expression like she wanted to stab me.

This is it. my career is over.

Teach Me To Love Part 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ