Chapter 39 Collapse

Depuis le début

"Why aren't you in school?" He asked.

"Why aren't you at work?" I asked and folded my arms across my chest.

"To be honest. I'm hungover." He said. I rolled my eyes and went back to picking up the living room.

"Really though.. I'm happy to see you, but why aren't you at school?" He asked.

"Because your girlfriend got a job teaching at my school and I got pissed off and Killian told me to leave before I did something stupid." I said. "So I left, and came here, which still could be considered doing something stupid." I said. "Katherine said you've been drinking. A lot." I said.

"I have.. but I'm done." He said.

"Oh. I know you are, I dumped the rest of your liquor cabinet down the kitchen sink." I said. "And I'm staying here tonight, to make sure you go to work tomorrow." I said.

He smiled.

"Its good to have you back." He said.

"I'm not back. I'm here to pick your ass up off the ground like I did last time you did something stupid like this." I said.

"Well.. if you are staying.. maybe we can talk." He said and sat down.

I sat down across from him.

"How has school been?" He asked.

"It was going great. Until Katherine." I said.

"Do you think you'll ever warm up to her?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. She doesn't know about Killian does she?" I asked

"No. I haven't told anyone and as long as he makes you happy, I wont."

"Good.." I said. "Thank you.. What about the threats? Have they stopped?"

"Yeah. We made the arrest at the end of March. It was Dylan's Dad." He said.

"Figures.." I said and sighed.

"I really miss you Kassi.." He said. I frowned, my eyes watered.

"I miss you too.. but what you said.. It still hurts." I said.

"I know, and I kick myself every day. I didn't mean to say it I was just so angry."

"I know.. I remember." I said.

"Is there anything I can do to make it right?" He asked.

"Are you ready to accept the fact that Killian and I are together and that, that is not going to change?" I asked.

"If that's what it takes to get you back. Yes. I'll even invite the man over for dinner." He said.

"Well.. lets not Kill him. I love him." I said and smirked. He got up and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Kassi.."

"I love you too Daddy.." I said.

I was helping Dad pick up the rest of the house when my phone rang. I grabbed it off of the kitchen counter and looked at it. It was Killian, I had completely lost track of time and never told him where I was going. I answered the phone.

"Hello love." I said mocking his accent.

"Hey. Where are you?" He asked.

"So actually, I'm at my house." I said.

"Uh what?" He asked. "Did hell freeze over and I didn't get the memo?"

"I don't know, I just came here when you told me to leave school and we talked." I said.

"How did that go?" He asked.

"It went good. We are finally good." I said.

"That's great!"

"How did the rest of school go?" I asked.

"It was fine. Katherine asked about you. She doesn't know about me does she?" he asked.

"No. She doesn't." I said. There was a loud crash behind me in the kitchen.

"What was that??" Killian asked. I turned around and saw my Dad lying on the floor.

"Dad?!" I yelled and ran to him.

"Kass what is going on?" Killian asked.

Dad was gasping and holding his chest. I hung up on Killian and dialed 911. Dad passed out.

"Dad.." I said and nudged him. "Daddy!" I screamed tears were rolling down my face.

"Please wake up.." I begged.

Teach Me To Love Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant