Chapter 54: You're 1!

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~1 Month Later~(Tessa)

Today Luna was turning one. I was so excited for her. I woke up and took a shower and then got her up.

"Good morning, angel face," I said as I came over to her crib.

"Mama, I hungy," she said as she rubbed her stomach.

"Yeah? Okay, well let's go get some breakfast." I picked her up and changed her into her clothes for her birthday party. I put her in a black and white dress. It had a white background and little black bows all over it that were printed on the dress. Then I put her hair in two little messy bun/ponytails on the top of her head. I cut her bangs the other day, too because her hair was always in her face. She had a lot of it.

"You look sooo cute!" I smiled at her. I set her on the floor gently and then brushed out my hair. She grabbed her blanket and sat there and watched me.

"You're adorable, I can't!" I said as I kneeled down and took a picture of her on my phone. Then I picked her up and we headed downstairs.

"Hmm, what should we fix you for breakfast?" I asked looking at her.

"Apples!" She said. She loved apples and peaches. She loved almost every fruit but she wasn't too fond of vegetables.

"Okay, you want apples?" I asked.

"Yeah! Apples!" She echoed.

"Alright! Apples it is!" I set her in her highchair and then grabbed a can of skinned apples. They didn't have the skin on them and they were soaked in juice so they were soft. I grabbed her favorite plastic purple bowl and then put a little plastic spoon in case she was feeling fancy today. I set them down in front of her and she smiled down at them and then up at me. I smiled back and then put a bib on her so she wouldn't get her dress messy before the party.

"What do you want to drink? Do you just want water?" I asked her. She nodded so I got her sippy cup out and put some room temperature water in it and set it down by her.

She started to eat so I decided to make myself some oatmeal. I ate oatmeal almost every day for breakfast but that was okay with me cus I loved it. My mom got me addicted to it. I put some bananas, brown sugar, and peanut butter in it. I sat down next to Luna and ate with her.

"Is it good?" I asked her. She smiled and took another apple and shoved it into her mouth. I giggled at her.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes."

Then my mom came down.

"Hey! Good morning!" She looked at Luna. "Well, don't you just look adorable!" She said.

"That's what I thought," I said agreeing with her.

"Well, it's true, she's so cute!" She said again.

"I know!" I smiled at her and then she went to get herself some coffee.

"When's everyone coming?" She asked me.

"Well, I don't know when you and dad's parents are coming, but Finn's parents are coming at 2 then Zara, Addison, and Claire are coming at 2:15 ish," I said to her.

"Okay, sounds good and Sam and my dad and Zac's parents will be here around 1:30 ish," she said.

"Okay, that's fine." I finished my oatmeal and then put the bowl in the dishwasher. I'm gonna go finish getting ready," I said.

"You look good already, what else do you need to do?" She asked looking at me.

"I just wanna put a different outfit on and curl my hair a little."

"Oh, okay, well come down when you're done," she said.

"Okay, I'll be right back," I said as I went upstairs.

I put on a brown shirt. It hung off the shoulders and it had ties in the front on the bottom. Then I just put on some shorts. It was really hot out and hot in the house so I wanted to be comfortable. I put some brown sandals on but then took them off because I just wanted to go barefoot. I came back downstairs and looked at my mom who was cleaning up Luna.
"Thanks." I smiled at her.
"No problem," she turned to face me. "You look cute, too!" She finished.
"Thanks!" I said and smiled at her.
~1:30 pm~ (Taylor)
My dad and Zac's parents were gonna be here any minute. My brother and Zac's was coming, too. Then the doorbell rang.
I opened the door and they all came in.
"Hi, guys! Welcome!" I said happily as I shut the door behind them.
"Hey!" My brother hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"Hey, Sam!" I kissed his cheek back then said hello to my dad and Zac's parents and his brother.
"Zac! Everyone's here!" I called up to him.
"I'm coming!" He said as he came down the stairs.
"Hey, guys!" He said hello to everyone and then Tessa said hi to everyone.
"Where's the birthday girl?" My dad asked.
"She's right here!" Tessa got her out of her high chair and brought her over to my dad.
He picked her up and kissed her cheek.
"Hi, sweet angel, it's your birthday today! You're 1 year old!" He smiled at Luna and Luna smiled back.
"She looks adorable!" Sam said.
"Thanks!" Tessa said.
"You're welcome!"
Then Melanie, Nelle and Brennan came down.
"Hey, how are you?" My brother asked.
"Good! How are you?" Nelle asked.
"I'm good, too, thank you!" He said.
Everyone sat in the living room and then Finn came down and said hi to everyone.
~2:30 pm~ (Tessa)
Everyone was finally here and it was time to open presents.
Finn and I got her a dollhouse for when she's a bit older. Sam got some toys for her right now. My grandparents on both sides got her toys, too. My friends all got her homemade cards and a little toy. Brennan, Nelle and Melanie got her cards, too that they made.
Everything was nice and peaceful. Everyone was so sweet to bring Luna gifts and cards. I was really happy with how everything was turning out.
We had cake and sang happy birthday to her and she was wiped out by 4:30. She fell asleep on the floor in the living room.
I brought her upstairs and gently laid her in her crib.
Happy birthday, angel..."

^Tessa's outfit for the party^

My Other Half...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon