Chapter 39: Happy Graduation

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Tessa was graduating from high school today and I was so proud of her. But I was also sad. No more picking her up from school, or taking her to dances that she's gonna need my help getting ready for. No more late nights trying to help her with her homework. No more early mornings with her. I was gonna miss all those things, a lot. However, I was super excited to see her go off to college and make something great out of it. She wants to be a writer. When she goes to college she's going to take Gen-ed and her writing classes. She's going to be really busy with all of her schooling but she gets to come home every other weekend. I was so proud of my baby. She has overcome a lot and although she still has struggles some days, she's still concrete. 

"Give it back!" Brennan said. 

"I don't even have it!" Nelle shouted.

"Yeah, you do! I saw you with it yesterday!" He shouted louder.

"That doesn't mean I have it now!" The two of them were fighting over something. 

I walked over to them. "What's going on?" I said kneeling down to their level.

"Nelle has my car that Tessa gave me for my birthday!" He pointed at her.

"No, I don't! I had it yesterday because he left it in my room. I was going down the hall to put it back in his room and he freaked out! Now he's freaking out again because he can't find it and he thinks I stole it!" She said quickly.

"Yeah cause you did!" He yelled. 

"Okay, let's all take a deep breath, calm down for a second and think." I said calmly. They stopped talking and turned away from each other. 

"Brennan," I started. "Where is the last place you remember having it?" I asked him.

"I don't remember!" He said, getting upset.

"Well try and think really hard, maybe you left it in a different room. You could have left it in the living room and if you were on the couch with it, it could've fallen in the cushions." I suggested. He ran off toward the living room and sure enough as soon as he reached into the middle of the couch he found his car.

"I found it, I found it!" He said happily. Nelle had her lip jutted out and it looked like she was about to cry.

"Nelle, it's okay sweetheart. You didn't do anything wrong." I said pulling her into my arms.

"He-he yelled at me, mommy..." She cried into my neck. 

"I know, it's okay baby. He was just scared because that car means a lot to him." I tried to comfort her.

"Yeah, but that doesn't give him the right to yell at me." She said seriously.

"You're right, it doesn't." I said back. She had a point. Brennan came over slowly with his head hanging low.

"Nelle..." He said to her softly.

"What...?" She returned.

"I'm real sorry that I yelled at you, I- I just got scared because this is really special to me," He held up the car. "and I thought I had lost it. I know you wouldn't take it from me. I'm sorry..." He said coming closer to her. She sniffled and then looked up at him.

"It's okay....but next time ask me a question before you start yelling okay?" She asked him nicely.

"Okay, it's a deal." He put his hand out for her to shake and she complied. Then while she was shaking his hand he pulled himself into her and gave her a big hug. I was still holding Nelle at this moment.

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