Chapter 9: You Promised

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🔴STOP HERE!!! If you are squeamish or have a weak stomach, be advised while continuing to read this chapter! *Explicit content* e.g. Language... but enjoy!🔴

When I got outside I went straight to the backyard, but there was no one there. I started walking to the garage to see if anyone was there but when I got to the side of the house I felt a sharp swift pain in my lower side. I looked down and realized I'd been stabbed. I felt someone grabbing my arm so I turned around and swung my fist only to come in contact with a hard bone. I was assuming it was a cheek but I couldn't see anything so I just aimlessly punched the person.
"Ow! God damn it, Zac! Who the hell do you think you are?! Huh!?"

"Ah, shit Ryan, what the hell are you doin' here?! Get off my lawn! Now!" I yelled realizing what was happening. I couldn't believe Ryan had the audacity to come back and try to hurt me or Taylor. It pissed me off so much, I swear I could feel my blood curdling in my body. I didn't want him coming back here and I didn't think he knew where I lived, but I guess if you're crazy enough, you can do anything and find out just about anything too.
"Shut up! Shut the hell up or I'll cut your throat out!" I stayed still to keep him calm. He had a knife to my throat and was holding my hands behind my back. I heard the patio door open. Ah, shit, Taylor...

"Zac? Are you okay?" Taylor said, her throat was scratchy, I could tell she had been crying.
"Shh, you talk, or try to intervene, YOU die. Got it lover-boy?" Ryan said, I decided to make him think I'd cooperate, but once he turned his back I'd take my chances and get him.
"Taylor! Baby! I've missed you! Come gimme a kiss!" Taylor stood frozen near the door. She looked completely terrified. My first instinct was to go over and hold her and tell her everything was gonna be fine. But I couldn't do that. And it wasn't fair. Ryan walked towards her and placed his hands on her arms and rubbed them. Then he started kissing her. She was stiff as a rock and wasn't kissing him back so he put his knife on her cheek softly. "I said, give me a kiss, Taylor..." he said calmly but firmly. She kissed him back. As they were kissing he started to touch her bottom and grabbed her. He was feeling her up and she couldn't do anything. It disgusted me so much. I wanted to kill this pervert. He was touching her body everywhere, chest, bottom, face. Like she was some doll he could play with. I started approaching them slowly. They were kissing and I could tell Taylor was getting uncomfortable as he shoved his tongue down her throat. She tried to pull away but he wouldn't let her. "Ryan--please..." She tried to say, but he was pressing his mouth so hard against hers that the words didn't come out fully. I felt jealous. I know that she didn't want it, and that she didn't love him, but I still felt jealousy. But first and foremost I felt sick to my stomach. Seeing her kiss someone else was...just wrong. Her lips should be on mine. Not his. Especially because she didn't want it. She was my beautiful Taylor and I didn't want this to continue to happen to her. I kept inching in closer and closer to them. Ryan started laughing.
"Ha, Zac, Zac, Zac, what did I tell you?" He swiftly pulled a gun from his pocket and pointed it at me.
"NO PLEASE DON'T!!!" Taylor screamed at the top of her lungs.
"RYAN, I'M BEGGING YOU! PLEASE!" She started crying.
"Shut the fuck up! You're so damn stupid, I can't take it! You never know when to shut your ugly mouth."
"Ryan, I'll do anything, please. Just put the gun down." She said through her tears.
"Listen Ms.Anorexic, I make the rules around here. Okay? Take your ugly face and your ugly body and shut up!" Taylor closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.
"Thank you! Now, Taylor dear, if you'll just come with me, quietly, then we can all go unharmed."
"You already stabbed me prick!" I said holding my side still. Taylor's eyes widened and she started crying harder again. He put the gun on her but his head was turned towards me. "STOP! DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" Ryan's eyebrows lifted up and he grinned. "Just take it easy, and put the gun down." I said calmly.
"No, you don't fucking get it, do you?" I just looked at him.
"I love Taylor. I've loved her for years! You, you've only filmed a movie with her. The only reason you too are "in love" as you say, is because you had to act like you were, so since you're both used to that way of being, it just seems natural to you. You don't really love each other, ha, you're just trying to find something to do because you both have sad, pathetic lives. So I'd suggest you both go your separate ways and let me have Taylor so we can go back to our normal life together. Alright?" Ryan was sweating and you could tell from a mile away that he was drunk. "You love her?! THIS is not how you treat someone you love. Not even close. And normal!? How is domestic abuse normal?! You're mentally disturbed and seriously emotionally unstable. Do you think Taylor wants to be with someone like that?! Huh?! Do you?! Because I for one know she doesn't! And so what if you were a good person before, what was it..? Your mom died, yeah well so what?! It's sad but you need to suck it the fuck up and not fucking beat on your girlfriend! You're insane! So back up! Now! Or shoot me! Don't shoot her!"

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