Chapter 53: Luna

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~Tessa~(12 Months Later)

I woke up to Luna crying in her crib. I got up and went over to her. When she saw me she cried even more. She always wanted to be near me and be held. I leaned over and gently picked her up.

"Hey, shhh, you're okay, angel..." I whispered to her. I held her close to me and then kissed her head as I swayed side to side to try and soothe her. She calmed down a little and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Shhh..." She was still sort of whining but she was done crying.
"There ya go..." I smiled to myself and rubbed her back gently.
I heard a soft knock on my door as my mom stepped in quietly.
"Hey, is everything okay?" She whispered quietly. She was so quiet I could barely hear her.
"Yeah, she just wanted to be held," I said quietly like she did.
"Good, is she okay now?" She asked me.
"Mhm, I think she's almost asleep."
"Good, I'll let you put her to bed. It's 4 so try and go back to sleep, okay?" She said as she started to leave.
"Okay, I will," I said. She gently shut the door and I heard Luna's breath become even. She fell asleep again, thankfully.
I laid her down gently in her crib and then headed back to bed. Finn wrapped me up again and kissed my head in his sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off quickly.
~Morning~ (Taylor)
Tessa was so good with Luna. I was really surprised by her maturity and her devotion. She was really determined to give Luna a good life and a life that she deserved. I was so proud of Tessa for everything she's done. She's so brave and strong. Nothing can knock her down. She's got my genes that's for sure.
Zac came down and kissed me quickly on the lips.
"Hey, you," he said as he looked at me.
"Hi," I smiled happily at him.
"Ugh, I love that smile of yours," he said whining sort of.
"Stopppp," I said blushing. I still got flustered even after all these years whenever he'd tell me something he liked about me.
"What? It's true. Your smile is so beautiful..." he said seriously.
"Well, thank you, Zac."
"You're welcome," he said as he came closer to me and kissed me gently again. Then our lips locked and he kissed me deeper. I hummed into his kiss a little as he ran his hands down my back.
"I miss you..." he said to me.
"I miss you, too."
We hadn't had sex in a really long time. With the baby and Tessa and everything, we don't really have the time. I missed feeling his bare skin against mine. I missed falling asleep after together. I missed connecting in that way.
He kissed me even more deeply and slid his hands under the back of my shirt a little to feel my skin.
"Hmm..." I was so sensitive to his touch. Goosebumps crawled on my skin now.
"Are you cold?" He asked.
"No, I'm not. I'm just sensitive right now..." I said quietly.
"Oh, well in that case..." He began to kiss my neck as gently as he could. It was like I was made of thin glass that he was trying not to break. He knew what he was doing to me, too. That's what made it worse.
"Zac...everyone's home and they'll be awake soon..." I said softly.
"We can make it quick..." he said.
"I don't know," I said hesitantly. I wanted to, that wasn't the problem. It was just my worry that we'd get interrupted or caught.
"We can go upstairs real quick," he said.
He kissed my neck and jaw then my collarbone.
I moaned a little as he sucked on my neck. It was definitely going to leave a mark. He sucked on it a little longer and then came back up to my lips.
"Mmmm," I moaned against his lips again.
"So..? Upstairs?" He asked eagerly. I realized he really wanted this so I obliged.
"Yeah, let's go," I said. We made our way upstairs and then got to our bedroom. We shut the door behind us not bothering to lock it since we were planning to make it quick. I laid down on the bed and he crawled on with me then hovered over me and began to kiss my lips again. It was passionate and hungry. He started touching my breasts and I got tingles down my spine. He slid my shirt up and kissed the top of them. He was just about to take my bra off when someone knocked on the door.
"Ugh, Christ," he said.
I groaned as he got off of me. I pushed my shirt down and then sat up.
"Come in!" I said. Melanie came in.
"Momma..." she said coming over to me.
"I don't feel good..." she said.

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