Chapter 10: Goodbye Mom

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Taylor still hadn't woken up and it had already been 2 whole months. I was so worried about her but I was also so worried about the baby. What if the drugs they were using for Taylor affected the baby. What if they couldn't survive with the very little amount of life that Taylor was giving it. I was laying down on her, holding her hand, and the monitor was at a steady beep. I pushed the buzzer on the wall for a nurse to come in. They arrived and knocked on the door.
"Come in." I said softly. They came in and shut the door behind them.
"Is everything okay, Zac?" She asked coming over to the bed.
"Yes, but she won't wake up still. It's been 2 months. I don't know how much longer I can take it."
"It's okay Zac," She said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"She will definitely wake up."
"Wait what, how do you know?"
"Oh, no one told you?" She asked smiling.
"No, told me what?" I was eager to know what she was saying to me.
"Ugh, these damn lazy doctors never know when to do things and to do them the correct way. Taylor's new results came in yesterday and she's doing great! She'll be up and moving before you know it. Possibly today, but for that, I wouldn't count on it. Her body still needs to regain it's strength again before it can heal completely. But if anything does change with her status, lemme know." She smiled and left the room, I turned to Taylor.
"You hear that Tay. You're gunna be okay!" I was crying and I leaned over to kiss her. I placed my lips against hers and suddenly felt pressure back against mine. I pulled away quickly.
"Tay?! Taylor?!" I could've sworn she just kissed me back. Her eyelids slowly lifted open exposing her pale blue eyes.
"Oh my God, Taylor." I threw my arms around her and kissed her cheek over and over.
"Hi, what happened?" I leaned backward and just looked at her. She was so beautiful, and perfect. I smiled at her.
"I missed hearing your voice and seeing your beautiful eyes." I started to cry again.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She frowned.
"Oh, nothing," I said wiping away tears. "I just missed you is all. What happened was, Ryan shot you in the shoulder and it went six meters away from your heart. It hit an important artery and they were afraid you weren't going to make it. Then you went into a shock induced coma and were out for about 2 months. I thought I was gunna lose you." I just looked at her and cried.

"Zac, I-I'm shocked that all this happened, I don't know what to say. But you're never ever going to lose me. I can promise you that." She smiled.

"I know, I know you're strong, and I know that I shouldn't have been so scared but I just was."

"No, no Zac, that's not what I said. It's totally okay for you to be scared. I just want you to know that I'll always be with you, whatever form that may be in." She looked me in the eyes and I froze up.

"You okay?" She asked laughing lightly.

"Yes, but Taylor, there's something that I need to tell you..." I started. Her face turned upside down again.

"What....." She said looking terrified.

"Well, you're--You're pregnant." She looked stunned and her face went pale like she was about to faint or throw up.

"Taylor.." I said again.

"Oh, uh- I once again, don't know what to say. I'm excited I guess, but I'm mostly scared."

"I know, but it's okay to be scared." I poked.

"Ha, ha, so funny." She smiled at me.

"But seriously, it's going to be okay."

"How do you know that?" She asked seriously.

"Because I'll be right here with you the whole time. 100%." I said seriously back.

"Ok, and also I wanted to apologize for what I said in the back of the ambulance, when I kept saying you promised. I know that you did all you could've and I'm sorry that I put blame on you." She said teary-eyed.

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