Chapter 4: That's Not Okay, Taylor...

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~Still Zac~
Later that night my phone rang.
"Hello?" I was grumpy because of the way things ended with Taylor.
"Zac, hi. I just wanted to apolog-" she stopped.
"Taylor. Taylor?" I heard a door slam and footsteps.
"I wanted t-" she started again and then stopped.
"Who is that on the phone?" I heard a mans voice.
"It's just a friend of mine." She said.
"That's a big lie! Who are you on with?!" He demanded an answer from her. I was baffled.
"Answer me now!" He yelled.
"Hey, I gotta, uhm, go. Sorry. I'll talk to you tom-" once again she stopped.
"Is that Zac?!" He screamed.
"No! I swear! It's not, Ryan!" She persisted.
"Don't lie to me, bitch!" I heard a smack. She shrieked in pain.
And then silence.
"Taylor! Taylor, are you okay? Did he just hit you?!" I yelled into the phone.
"Zac..." She was crying so hard.
"I've gotta go..."
"Taylor, don't! Stay on with me!" I insisted. Then the phone hung up.
I didn't know what to do, so I just decided to go to her house. I got in my car and rushed over. When I got there, I could hear yelling and screaming from inside. I got out of my car and ran to the front door. I knocked so hard, I swear my knuckles could've started bleeding.
"Taylor! Are you okay?!" I shouted from outside.
"Zac!? Leave please!" She cried.
"So you are shacking up with him! I suspected from the start! Well if I can't have you then neither can he!" Ryan said.
"No! Please, Ryan! Don't hurt him!" She was screaming now.
"Shut the hell up!" He must've punched her because she whimpered and then it was silent.
"Let me in, now! Take that anger out on me! You know you want to asshole!" I shouted. I was furious. I knew something had been happening, how she winced every time I'd go near her stomach or sides.
"Zac no, please. Guys, please stop! I don't want anyone getting hurt!" She cried.
"Well, I'm sorry, but you're hurt and you count as someone, so I've opted out of the option to let it go!" I yelled back. I was so mad, I couldn't handle myself. I couldn't believe someone was hurting my beautiful sweetheart. She does nothing but bring people joy, she didn't deserve any of this. No matter what.
"OW! Stop! Please! You're hurting me! Ry-" she gasped and then moaned in pain and I heard
something hit the floor. I think it was her. I backed away from the door and slammed into it with my whole body. It shot open and I saw Taylor lying on the floor holding her stomach which had a kitchen knife stuck into it.
"What the hell man?! She's done nothing wrong, you just stabbed your girlfriend! Back the hell away from her right now!" I approached him. I looked back at Taylor and she had one hand still on her stomach and one was reaching out towards me.
"Zac-" She squeaked.
I rushed down beside her and took her into my arms with her head in my lap.
"Shh, you're okay, it's okay. Don't worry, I'll get help, hang in there beautiful." I just held her. When I turned my head back to find Ryan he was gone. Where he had gone I had no idea.
I got my phone out and called 911.
"Hi, yes hello. Someone's been stabbed. I need an ambulance right now!" I gave her the address and waited. Taylor was in and out of consciousness. She had lost so much blood already. I was so worried, I could barely function. So I just sat there with her in my arms, limp and helpless. I hated this, more than anything in the world. No one should ever hurt her. She was so important to me and I didn't want anything to happen to her.

I couldn't feel anything but pain to this point. My stomach was in such discomfort that I couldn't breathe, I was in and out, and couldn't see anything because everything was blurry. I felt like my body had been drained of every liquid considering I lost so much blood already and the knife was lodged so deeply into my stomach I was afraid it had hit a vein.
Zac put his arms under me and began to stand up.
"UGH!" I screamed in pain.
"I know, I know. You'll be okay sweetheart." He whispered.
"It hurts." I moaned.
"Shh, I know. Help is coming soon." He said holding me closer. I just cried but it hurt so bad I could barely even close my eyes. I just cried and looked up and Zac. He was so cute, and handsome. I felt safe in his arms. It felt perfect, like I was supposed to be in them, I was starting to like him a lot but I was scared to death of feeling love again.
A few minutes later the ambulance came and Zac laid me on the stretcher they had brought. I winced but tried to keep my mouth shut so I didn't hurt myself even more. Zac held my hand in the back of the ambulance and stroked my hair over my forehead. "You'll be okay, you're strong." He leaned down near my ear.
"Don't worry, I'll be here right next to you." He whispered softly. His voice was so warm and comforting.
I just nodded and closed my eyes. He was looking at me, I could feel it. I smiled lightly and just took a few small breaths. In and out, in and out.
When we arrived to the hospital I could barely see through my eyes because I was so dizzy. I felt dehydrated and cold. I was so afraid but I was thankful that Zac could be with me right now.
They lowered me to the ground and swiftly rolled me into the lobby and down a few halls. We went into a small room with a bed and an operating table all set up for me.
I closed my eyes again. Then shot them open.
"Wait! Where's Zac?!" I struggled to speak out.
"Hey, I'm right here Taylor." He said grabbing my hand once again. I relaxed. They put me in the table which hurt a lot and then Zac looked down at me.
"Taylor just look at me and try not to move."
"What, why?!" I started to cry.
"They have to remove the knife." He said informatively.
"NO! PLEASE NO!" I cried. They didn't even give me warning. they just swiftly ripped it out.
"UGHHH!" I tensed up and threw my head up. I cried so hard, I felt like throwing up.
"Zac! It hurts so bad!" I cried falling into him.
He wrapped his arms around me and put one hand in my head to pull me closer to him.
"Shh, it's okay, I know it hurts but it's done now okay?" I felt his lips resting on my head, he kissed my head and then just rested his chin on top of it. And rocked me side to side. He kept shushing me and telling me it was okay. It felt so good to be in his arms. Even when I was hurting, I felt no pain in his arms. I felt like I was about to pass out. My head felt heavy and started to fall backward.
"Hey, Taylor... Look at me." Zac said placing his hand under my chin to look at me.
My eyes were closed and I had long deep breaths escaping through my nose. I kept drifting backward but Zac kept holding me upright.
"Taylor?!" My eyes went black and I fell out of his grip.
"Someone please help! She's lost too much blood!" He shouted.

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