Chapter 6: Thank You For This

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The sunlight poured through the windows and bent across the floor onto my bed. I opened my eyes. I looked down at Taylor, she was sound asleep and her breathing was light and even. She was so beautiful, and I loved when she slept because she looked so relaxed and peaceful. I ran the back of my hand down her cheek, and then trailed my index finger down the bridge of her nose and onto her lips. She lightly kissed my fingertip. She smiled to herself. 

"Mm, Hi..." She said stretching her neck out. 

"Hi, beautiful..." I smiled down at her. Her big blue eyes were fixed on mine. Whenever she looked at me I got butterflies. 

"How are you?" I finished.

"I'm good, I liked sleeping with you right next to me. I felt safe." She smiled lightly.

"I liked it too, and I'm glad.." I said kissing her forehead. 

She laid her head onto my shoulder and buried her face into it. 

"I love you, Zac." She said, still with her head in my shoulder.

"I love you too, Taylor. I love you so much, it's indescribable. I always have and I always will. And I don't want you to ever forget that. Okay?" She nodded. 

"We should get up, it's almost eleven." I said softly.

"Is it really?" She asked surprised.

"Yea, it is. But we don't have anything to do really today, so we are fine. But we should get up anyway so that we can start our day." I said informatively.

"Alright." She replied and rolled over to the other side of the bed and stood up. She had my shirt on from last night. She looked absolutely adorable in it. She was tall, but still so little at the same time. I loved every inch of her, and every single piece of her personality. She meant the world to me and I wanted her to know that. Her phone starting ringing.

"Hello?" She said happily.

"Yes, this is she.... Yes! Of course, lemme just confirm with Zac if that's alright.." She put her hand over the phone and turned to me. "A producer wants to do an interview with us today in an hour, is that okay with you?" She asked. I nodded and smiled at her.

"Yes! That sounds perfect, is there anything else?... No? Alright, thank you so much, we will see you then." She hung up and exhaled. "So much for not doing anything today." She teased.

"That's okay, it'll be fun. I love doing interviews with you.... Your little stutter..." I poked, smiling like an idiot.

"Hey! I don't stutter that often! Plus, I'm just trying to find the right wording so I don't mess up and say something stupid or out of context!" She blushed.

I walked over to her and rubbed her arms. "No, no, it's so cute! You're being so cautious and attentive. It's a part of you, and I love you, ergo I love your stutter!" I kissed her. 

"Ha, well, thank you then." She finally gave in.

"You're welcome!" I said proudly. 

She stood on her tippy toes and rested her nose on mine, then rubbed them together. Then she lightly pressed her lips against mine. She smiled in the middle of kissing me. My hands were wrapped around her waist now. I pulled her close, and she began kissing me again. I kissed her back but I kissed her ever so lightly. She leaned into me letting me know she wanted me to give her more of a kiss than I was allowing her to have. I smiled and put my hand under her cheek and tilted her head upward towards mine. She kissed me but this time she wrapped her arms around my neck. She was still on the tips off her toes. It was so cute when she tried to get onto my level of height. She wasn't much shorter than I was but she still did it. She kissed me deeper.

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