Chapter 22: Court

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~Zac's POV~

I felt so bad that I couldn't be with Taylor right  now. I knew she was broken and I knew all she wanted to do was be with me and the girls. I also knew that she hated this more than anything. I didn't want her to be so sad and hurt, all I wanted to do was be with her and hold her. Tell her everything is going to be okay.

"Get into the room." They immediately brought me into the interrogation room to question me.

When we got into the room they pushed me through the doorway. I sat down and listened to my surroundings. It's really quiet besides the AC running, and the hand cuffs, cuffed to the table, and the mild muffled sounds of people talking outside the door. Trying to figure out who in the world was the one at fault, or how do they even know if I was there or are they going to just try to trick me into giving them information. What if it happens that they do actually have something on me that I do not know about. It's cold in there, and extremely bright. A window that separates you and whoever is on the other side of it is definitely judging you, taunting you even. It smells like coffee beans and cologne, with a splash of fear and anxiety, that was mostly radiating off of myself.

~Taylor's POV~

My house felt so empty to me. I was all alone here and the house suddenly became bigger than 20 football fields combined. It was endless and cold. I never felt so lost in my life. Every piece of me shattered into a million and not being able to do anything about it was the worst part. All I wanted to do was be with them, and hold them. I wanted to tell love I loved them, and make sure that they know I'll be strong for them. I started to wander aimlessly through the house, as if I had never been there before. I didn't know what else to do other than cry. I felt so scared and confused. My heart wasn't prepared for this today. They day was going perfectly fine. It's so weird how in life, your day could be going as perfectly as planned and then the next minute, your life falls apart before your eyes. I was so done with feeling this way, I just wanted out.

I called the DA's office.

"Hello, this is Taylor Efron, Zac Efron's wife. I was just wondering when the court hearing will be?" I asked as politely as I could.

"It will be tomorrow at 3:00 pm but if you want to catch Zac before the hearing starts, I would get there a little bit earlier, like at about, 2:30 ish..." The lady said.

"Okay, thank you so much." I said hanging up the phone. I just wanted to lay with Zac and my babies, but I couldn't and it was one of the worst feelings I've ever experienced.

~Later That Night~(Still Taylor)

I was lying on the couch and I must've dozed off because I woke up and everything was pitch black except for the faint light of the television. I sat up slowly as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I rubbed them and then made my way upstairs. As I began to strip off my clothing I just started to cry again. I didn't really know why, I just did. I tried to shrug it off but the pain refused to subside. I got into my pajamas and crawled into bed. The bed felt unfamiliar without Zac in it. I can't even remember the last time I slept by myself. Whether it be with one of the girls or Zac, I always had someone beside me in bed. I flicked off the lamp and drifted off to sleep. It didn't take me long though because I was so emotionally exhausted that my body just needed to rest, so that my mind could too.

~The Next Morning~(Zac)

The cell that the kept me in overnight was horrible. I had no privacy and people would come to check on me every 15 minutes like I was a child. I hated not being able to hold Taylor and sleep with her in my arms. It was the one thing that allowed me to sleep. So given that, I didn't sleep at all last night. I was trying to sooth myself by just imagining her next to me but it did nothing but make it worse since I knew she wasn't going to be next to me no matter how much I thought about it. I just needed her in my arms, and I didn't even know if she was going to be allowed at the trial because no one is telling me anything due to the fact that I'm a "suspect" and that I'm "at fault". Which I'm not. I also didn't know what time it was but it must've been pretty early because it wasn't that bright in the cell. There as one window and it wasn't giving off much light. It was also really high up on the wall so I couldn't see out of it or reach it. The rest of the lights were turned off in the building so that's how I knew it must've been morning from the little light that the window was producing. I just really wanted to see Taylor and kiss her and hold her. I wanted to be able to hold her when she cried and tell her it's going to be okay, and I don't even want to think about how hard it was for her to sleep alone last night too. 

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