Chapter 37: Eleanor

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I was lying in bed with Brennan when I felt burning pains in my sides. I moved around a bit thinking I might've just needed to switch positions. Nothing changed, I still felt the pains.
"Brennan, mommy has to go downstairs and get daddy oka-" I couldn't finish because I was interrupted by an intense contraction.
Brennan looked at me with fearful eyes.
"I think the baby's coming. I'm okay. Do you want to come downstairs with me?" I asked him. He nodded so I called Tessa to come pick him up and bring him down for me.
"Tessa?!" I yelled to her room.
"Yeah?!" She replied.
"Could you come bring Brennan downstairs, the baby's coming?!" I heard her get up and rush down the hallway and into our room.
"Come here Brennan!" She reached her arms out and he kissed my cheek then ran to her. She picked him up and brought him down the stairs. I followed behind as quickly as I could.
"How ya doin' mom?!" Tessa came halfway up the stairs to help me down them.
"I'm okay, just keep talking to me please." I said.
"Okay, I love you and I can't wait to meet the baby." She said calmly whilst looking me in the eyes.
"I love you too, and I'm so excited to meet her too!" I said, trying to stay calm like she was.
"You're okay, just try and focus on your breathing. In and out, in and out." She said to me, holding my hand.
"Okay, I'm trying."
"Zac! Come here please!" He was in the office and I guess he didn't hear anything. The door was shut.
"I'm coming!" He came out of the French doors and over to me.
"Is the baby coming?" He looked me in the eyes. I nodded quickly.
"Okay, are you ready to go to the hospital?" He asked me softly.
"Yes, please can we go?" I asked, accidentally forgetting about Melanie.
"Yeah, lemme just go get Melanie." He said as he went upstairs.
I went up the stairs and down the hall to Melanie's room. She was sound asleep. She looked like such an angel when she slept, like her mom. They both looked so peaceful and happy in their sleep.
I sat on the edge of her bed.
"Hey angel, time to wake up." I brushed the hairs she had out of her face.
"What...?" She asked faintly.
"It's time to get up, Mommy's having the baby." I finished.
She popped up and looked at me seriously.
"Like right now?!" She asked me.
"Yes, right now! You'll have to go in your pajamas. Let's go!" I said picking her up even though she was perfectly capable of walking.
"Mommy! Are you okay?!" She asked as she saw Taylor hunched over the counter.
"Yeah babe, I'm fine. Just in a little pain." She explained.
"Daddy let me go hug her please." She said as I let her down.
Melanie came over to give me a hug. She was very gentle and careful when she did. I hugged her back.
"I love you, mommy." She said quietly.
"I love you, too." I said back to her, smiling a little. She smiled back and then kissed my hand. Then we went to the car and went to the hospital. When we got there we got into a room and I had to start pushing almost right away.
"Okay push when you're ready Taylor." One of the nurses said.
I nodded and pushed with all I had.
"Okay great! Push a little harder, we can almost see the head!" The nurse encouraged me.
"I can't! I can't do it!" I was sweating and crying.
"Yes you can! I'm right here." Zac said, leaning down to kiss me.
I looked at him in pain and pushed again.
"We see her now! Almost there! Try a few small pushes now to pass the head!" The lead doctor said.
"I'm trying!" I screamed.
"You're doing great, keep going!" He said once again.
I pushed a few more times, and then I heard the cries. I relaxed and sat back into the pillows that were propped up behind me.
"Congratulations Taylor!" The other nurse said.
I cried happy tears and then Zac leant down to kiss me again.
"I love you so much." I said to him.
"I love you so much, too." He replied. He kissed me one last time and then the nurses handed me my baby girl.
"Hi little one. You're so beautiful..." Tears fell from my eyes but I didn't care, all I could think of was my beautiful baby in my arms. She was gorgeous and perfect. Bright blue eyes, little blonde hairs on her head, and a big, beautiful smile. She took hold of my finger with her fist.
"Yeah, hi...I already love you so much!" I said softly but excitedly to her. I leaned down and kissed her nose very gently.
"Girls, wanna come see her?" I asked looking over at them.
"Yes." Tessa said and brought Melanie over. Zac had Brennan in his arms. He was asleep. With him being 1 there wasn't much Zac could do but hold him. Brennan would see her later, so it was fine.
"She's tiny too, just like Brennan was!" Melanie exclaimed.

"Yeah, and she's got mom's eyes." Tessa added.

"Yeah she does." Zac said.

"What are you thinking of naming her?" Tessa asked.

"I was thinking Eleanor. It was a family name." I said, informatively.

"That's so pretty, and fancy!" Melanie said, flashing me a cheeky smile.

"Yeah? You guys like it?" I asked happily, satisfied with their reactions.

"Yeah, we love it!" Zac said to me. "What about the middle name?" He finished.
I looked up at him and then at the girls. "I was thinking Eleanor Victoria." I said proudly.

"That's really pretty." Zac said smiling down at me. I smiled back at him and then looked back down at the angel resting in my arms. She was so beautiful. Her eyes matched mine and I could already tell she was going to get my smile. She showed me a closed grin and I smiled widely causing her to let out a little babble. Then she looked right into my eyes and my heart stopped for a solid second. The moment our eyes met was overwhelming, but in a good way. That's how it felt for all of my kids. Especially with Tessa. She was my first so obviously the minute she looked into my eyes, I melted into a puddle of bliss happiness. I still feel elated when my babies look in my eyes. I feel ecstatic when they say "I love you" to me. When they smile at me, my world lights up and my heart skips a beat. I was awakened from my daydream when Eleanor touched my face gently with her palm.

"Hi, sweet angel." I said to her. She was perfect. She was beautiful. She was mine. 

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