Chapter 25: Sunshine & Smiles

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•Warning!!! Read with caution: cuteness may be hard to handle•

Taylor was clinging onto my arm in her sleep. It was honestly the cutest thing. I decided to wake her up though because we wanted to do a lot today.
"Look at your lips:" I started.
"They've shown so many smiles, voiced so many beautiful things, and shared so many kisses." I ran my thumb over her bottom lip softly.
"These cheeks," I ran the back of my hand down them. "They've been lifted so many times for those smiles. They've turned red when I express my love for you and they hold your adorable dimples."
I ran my index finger down her nose. "This cute little thing crinkles when you laugh and when you're happy." Then I stroked her eyebrow.
"Your eyebrows. They've lifted when you're amused and furrowed when you're worried." I lightly touched her eyelids. "You're eyes. They speak louder than any part of you. They become deep when you're desirous and passionate. They light up when you are joyous, they squint when you laugh, they open big when you have fear, and they shed tears in your hardest times; but yet they still smile through all of that."
She started to wake up, but I knew she could hear me because her neck and cheeks were red.
"What did I do to deserve you?" She asked finally.
"You didn't have to do anything, you deserve every good thing in your life that you have." I smiled down at her. She smiled back and then reached her arms out to hug me. I bent down and took her into my arms.
"Kiss me." She said softly.
I lightly pressed my lips to hers. Her lips are the softest. Softer than silk.
"Hmmm, I love you so damn much." She said as she continued to kiss me.
"I love you so much too, Taylor." I said kissing her neck, shoulders, and back up to her lips again.
We broke apart and then just laid there together. Then our door swung open and the girls ran in and jumped onto the bed.
"GOOD MORNING!!!" They said together.
"Well! Good-morning sunshines!" Taylor beamed.
"How did you guys sleep?" She asked after hugging them.
"Good." Tessa said.
"Me too." Melanie stated.
"Did you guys?" Tessa asked.
"Yes we did! Thanks!" Taylor finished.
There was a long silence. Not an awkward one; just silence.
"Well?! C'mon! Let's get rollin'!" Tessa said hopping on her knees.
Taylor smiled at both of them, then at me and said,
"Good idea! You guys wanna go to the beach or the boardwalk first?"
"Uhmmm...." Melanie put her finger to her lips and looked up at the ceiling while tilting her head.
I smiled at her because she looked so focused. She saw me staring.
"What!?" She said with wide eyes.
"Nothing, can't I look at you?" I asked with the same eyes.
"Yeah but not like I'm crazy! This is my thinking face!" She returned to her previous position.
"Well, what do you guys want to do?" Tessa asked sliding over to Taylor to sit by her. Taylor put her arm around her.
"Well my vote is the beach, but we can do both so I'm fine either way." She smiled at Tessa and kissed her temple.
"Well then I think the beach sounds good, what about you Mel?" Tessa turned to her.
"That's fine with me!" She smiled and then looked at me for my approval.
"It's up to you guys, this was my treat so do as you please. I'll have fun either way." I said smiling too.

The beach sounded really nice at the moment so I thought going there while the weather was still nice was the best option.
"Alright, then let's get our swimsuits on and girls, grab your towels and shoes and then I'm gunna sunscreen you both before we go okay?" I said pointing to them as they left the room.
"Okay!" They said together. They always say things at the same time now and it's so cute. They are perfect and I'm so lucky that they are mine. Very lucky.
I put my suit on and so did Zac, then he and I put sunscreen on since it was 85 degrees outside and nothing but blue sky and sun.
"C'mere Tess, lemme put this on you." I said pulling her near my side so her back faced me.
I put the sunscreen all over her and then she put it on for Melanie.
"Close your eyes." She said to Melanie as she put the sunscreen on her cheeks and nose.
"It's colddd!!!" Melanie said squeezing her eyes and pushing her shoulders up to her ears.
"I know, but I'm done now." Tessa closed the cap and handed it back to me.
"Is everyone ready?" I asked putting my sunglasses on the top of my head.
"Yeah!" They all said.
"Okay let's go!" We left the room and headed down to the beach. The air was perfectly warm and rested on my shoulders and the tip of my nose. I could already feel my skin begging for shade.
"It's beautiful out here!" Melanie said.
"Look at the ocean!" Tessa added.
"Girls, go stand in front of that palm tree and smile! I want a picture!" They ran over and hugged each other as I took the picture.
They started walking ahead- but not too far- so Zac stayed back with me and grabbed a hold of my hand.
I looked down at our tangled fingers and smiled.
"This is so nice, thank you..." I felt like I couldn't thank him enough for this; or for anything he's done. He's always one step ahead of me and always has something he wants to do for me, and for the girls. He puts us first, it's so sweet but I wish he'd do things for himself more often than he does now.
"You don't have to thank me beautiful, but you're welcome." He kissed my cheek. We swung our arms back and forth. There was a long twisty path down to the beach, made out of small wooden planks with two ropes on either side. You could see the sunshine dance on the waves making them sparkle as they rolled up and down out of the water. I inhaled deeply through my nose taking in all of the atmosphere.
"You're incredibly beautiful..." He mumbled.
"Thanks." I said shyly.
"Wow! This time you didn't argue with me! That was a breath of fresh air." He said smiling to himself.
"C'MON!" Tessa said in the distance.
We walked over to them quickly to catch up.
"Look at the water! It's sparkling!" Melanie said pointing.
"That's what I was thinking." I said to her while I played with her hair.
"Can we go in now?!" Tessa asked eagerly.
"Yes, go ahead." I said letting go of Melanie.
They ran off hand-in-hand and crashed into the water together.
Zac and I found two chairs by the shore and set our things down. I took my shorts and top off.
"I'm hot, let's join them." I said to Zac.
"You are, but that has nothing to do with joining them." He smiled and took his shirt off.
"Shut up! Let's go!" He grabbed my hand again and we walked down to the edge of the water.
"Wait, what if it's freezing?" I asked as the waves tickled my toes.
"Well, you'll find out soon!" Before I could speak, Zac picked me up and ran into the water with me.
"Zac!!!" I squealed. We both fell into the water and a wave crashed over us. He was laughing to himself.
"You're so mean!" I splashed him.
"I'm the worst!" He splashed back and then glided over to me. We were kneeling in the water but it was up to our shoulders, so we were pretty deep. The girls were a little closer to the shore but they were watching us.
"See it's not cold." He said teasingly.
"You're right... but just for now." I said stubbornly. He came even closer.
"Oh yeah? Only for now? Fine with me." He pulled me in by my waist and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss as he slid his hand under the back strap of my swimsuit.
I giggled with my lips still against his.
We just kissed for a while. It was so perfect. Just being in his arms, in the warm, salty water. Lips locked and the sun beaming down on us. When the sun is bright like it is today, I like to think it's my mom shining down on me. He pulled away.
"The sun is smiling at you." He said softly.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"It's 'beaming'." He said with a smile on his face. It's like he read my mind.
"I love when the sun smiles." I said back.
"Hey! Un-glue yourselves from each other and join us on earth!" Tessa said splashing us.
"You asked for it." Zac let go of me and jumped over to Tessa. He grabbed her and spun her legs out of the water making it kick up around them. I smiled at the sight.
"Me next!" Melanie said swimming over. Zac spun her and they all just splashed around.
I looked up at the sky and smiled to myself with my lips together.
"Yeah mom...I see your smile..keep shining." I could feel her touching my heart.
"Taylor! Come on!" Zac yelled pulling me from my meditation.
I swam quickly over and it was a little deep for Melanie so she held onto me when we went a little further out.

We spent hours in the water.
"My fingers look like raisins!" Tessa said putting her fingers up and laughing.
"Wanna get out?" I asked looking at everyone.
"Yeah." We all agreed and went to dry off.
"To the boardwalk?" Tessa said excitedly.
"To the boardwalk." I finished. She smiled and threw her clothes on. She had on white jean shorts and a shirt that hung off of one shoulder. It had flowers all over it. Melanie had the same thing on. Even though they weren't the same age- or twins- they still loved to match with each other. I just had on jean shorts, and a super thin white sweater. Zac wore his swim trunks and a t-shirt.
"Everyone ready?" He asked.
"Yes we are! Let's goo!" Tessa said pulling my arm.
"We are, we are!" I said chucking at her. She's always wanted to go on a boardwalk. She loves carnivals and things like that, so this was like Christmas for her.

When we got to the peer, the sun was setting so the lights were on. There were lights wrapped around the palm trees, on the Ferris wheel, on the ropes at the edge of the boards, and all over the little huts and shops. It was really pretty.
They got some Cotton Candy, played some games, Tessa got a hat, and Melanie got a snow globe. They went on the Ferris wheel, took lots of pictures, and danced together. They didn't have a care and it was so nice to see them happy. Especially Tessa. My poor baby was hurt and so broken for the longest time, but she was thriving now. She was back to her old self. It was like nothing ever happened. Of course, that doesn't mean she'll ever be 100% the same, but one can only hope. Plus, if she's anything like me, and she is, she'll bounce back pretty quick. Everything went in slow motion, my two baby's, dancing and laughing. I couldn't imagine a better vision. My eyes were practically screaming from the cuteness. I know I wanted to.
"One more picture please!" I said to them. They stood in front of the Farris wheel. The sun was just about to dip in back of them but I got the picture right at the perfect time.

After a full day of playing and enjoying ourselves, we were all wiped out. We definitely made the most out of today though, and we had two more days here, so there was still so much to do.
Zac came up to my side and grabbed my hand once more.
"Did you enjoy all the sunshine and smiles?" He asked kissing my cheek.
"Yes, very much so. Did you?" I looked at him.
"Very much." He smiled and I smiled back.

When we got back to the hotel, the girls showered, then I did and then Zac took one. We all watched a movie and then crashed in the same bed.

I haven't had that much fun in a very long time. I didn't even think that much fun was possible all at once. I knew that we all needed a trip away. We've been through a lot, but we are a strong family and nothing tears us apart. We may be weakened along the way, but we have each other to lean on until we can stand on our own again. A tight-knit family, is the best kind of family.
Family is a word I've become fond of saying over the years. Never would I have thought 12 years ago that I was going to be here, where I am today, but god was I thankful I am. 💗

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