Chapter 14: Out Of Time?

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We got the keys to the car and started heading out, when I heard my phone ringing in my pocket. I grabbed it quick and saw that it was Ryan. I looked up at Zac unsure of what to do. Zac nodded at me. "You can answer it if you want, I would if I were you but you don't have to." He said rubbing my arm.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Taylor, sweetheart. It's me, Ryan. Now, I just wanna let you know that Tessa and I are having a great time. She's completely fine so you don't have to worry about anything, I'll take good care of her. Won't I Tessa?" He asked.

"I wanna go home! Please!" Tessa cried.

"Okay, Ryan, can you please let me talk to her for a minute please?"

"You think just because you say 'please' you're going to get what you want? Sorry to break it to you honey, but you can't always have what you want when you want it. You'll need to work for this, that is, if you really want it..." He said, I could almost feel his evil grin through the phone. God I hated that smile he'd paint on his face when he was getting what he wanted.

I couldn't believe that my daughter was in the hands of my worst nightmare and to think that he was hurting her, or, I don't even want to think that far. If he were to steal her purity like that I would never be able to forgive myself.
I felt so sick to my stomach thinking of how scared she must be and how terrified. I pulled myself together and stood up straight.
"Yes Ryan. I really want to speak to my daughter. Please..." I said holding back tears.
"You've got one minute." He said firmly. "You're on speaker talk."
"Tessa, baby. It's're gunna be okay. Did he hurt you?" I asked gently.
She was silent.
"Tessa." I said.
"It's fine, tell her the truth Tessa."
She sounded shaky and hesitant.
"N-no, he didn't hurt me."
I looked down at the floor. I didn't want to lie to my mom but I didn't want Ryan to hurt me either.
He hit me when we got out of the car when we got to his house because I was crying. He hated crying, he said it made him angry.
"Mommy, w-when will you come get me? I'm scared..." I said softly.
"I know you're scared baby, I'm coming right now okay? Just stay strong for me, can you do that?"
"Yes, but please hurry. I need you." "Wrap it've got 15 seconds."
"Baby, no matter what happens, I love you so much and so does daddy okay?"
"I love you too."
"Just keep thinking of happy things okay?"
"Alright you're done."
"No! Please! I need her!" I cried.
Ryan grabbed the phone from me and swung his hand back and across my face.
I cried out in pain.
"Ryan stop!" My mom yelled from the phone.
"Pl-" He hung up.
I slumped to the ground and cried. I wanted my mommy and daddy and Ryan was so mean to me. All of the sudden I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head and then my eyes went black.

When I woke up, I was in some sort of room. It was dark, so I could barely see, and my head hurt. I looked around aimlessly but I couldn't make anything out of the darkness. It was cold and wet underneath me. I moved my hands around the floor and felt thick liquid running over my fingers. I touched the back of my head only to feel the same wetness. Was I bleeding? My body felt stiff, I was so cold I could barely move my fingers or toes. And my face hurt from Ryan hitting me earlier. I then heard footsteps above me. Am I in a basement? I looked up but obviously couldn't see anything so I just closed my eyes. I tried to do what my mom said.
Try and think about happy things...
I tried so hard but all I could see in my head was Ryan and my body hurting all over. I didn't know what he did to me but my whole entire body felt limp and bruised. I just wanted my mom, she always knew what to do and say. I hated the thought of never being able to see her beautiful face again. And my dad, I hated the thought of not being able to see him again too.
I heard something clank and then jingling, like keys maybe...I couldn't fully tell.
"Tessa, I'm home princess. Imma come down and get you."
I kept my mouth shut and placed my hand over my mouth to drown out my breathing. I tried backing up and then felt something brush against the top of my head. I think I bumped into a table so I ducked underneath it and huddled back into the corner. I could hear Ryan coming down the stairs slowly. He was whistling something to himself but I didn't know what it was.
I kept softly breathing in between my fingers trying not to be loud. I felt my eyes get hot. I was so scared. I wanted my mom to hold me and tell me it was all okay. I missed being in her arms and I missed my dad holding me and singing to me.
Ryan was almost all the way down the stairs. He flicked a light on.
"Where the hell are you?" He said looking around.
I tried to scoot back into the corner even further but I couldn't.
"Hiding is going to get you in trouble Tessa." He said angrily.
I saw his feet pacing around the room. He was mumbling to himself but I couldn't tell what he was saying. He came up to the table I was underneath and stopped there.
"You sneaky little brat."
He swiftly crouched down to my level.
"Get out here!" He yelled. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out from underneath the table.
"OW!" I cried.
"Shut up! Shut UP!" He said as he slugged me in the stomach.

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