Chapter 35 Close Call

Start from the beginning

Stop making me feel so damn bad for lying to you. I thought.

"I will. Don't embarrass me tonight." I said.

"Me? Embarrass you? Nah!" Dad said and smirked.

"I mean it!" I said and grabbed my jacket. He laughed.

"I love you. be good."

"As always." I grinned.

"That's terrifying." He said. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Love you Dad." I said and left. 

When I got to the school, Killian let me in and walked me to his classroom.

"Are we really here all alone?" I asked.

"Yes." He said and unlocked his classroom and opened the door letting me in.

"Just.. me and you?" I asked and walked over and sat in his chair kicking my feet up on his desk. He grinned and walked over and put his hands on the arms of the chair and leaned in and kissed me and pulled away.

"Yes, but before you get any ideas into that dirty little mind of yours, here's a friendly reminder that I am meeting with your father in this classroom in less than two hours" He said.

"Okay... but like.. after that?" I said and smirked.

"Does my classroom really turn you on that much?" He asked with a laugh.

"Well not when you are making me do Math." I said. He rolled his eyes and shook his head at me and started shuffling through the papers in his hands.

"What are those?" I asked.

"They are notes of things I want to make sure to discuss with parents." He replied.

"Whatcha going to tell my Dad about me?" I asked and rested my elbows on his desk putting my chin in my hands smiling at him.

He shuffled through the papers again

"Ah. Kassidy Cole, Mouthy, Doesn't follow instructions, and easily distracted." He said.

"What?!" I said. He smirked at me.

"That was mean." I said and laughed.

"Are you going to help me or not?" He asked.

"Fine." I said and stood from the desk. "How can I be of Assistance?" I asked. He handed me a stack of papers. "Put these on the desks." He said.

"Aye Aye Captain." I grinned and started putting the papers he gave me on the desks while he walked into the supply closet. Once I finished I followed him into the supply closet and closed the door. He turned around and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I was looking for something." He said. I leaned against the door.

"Did you find it?" I asked.

"Yes." he said and held up a small box and walked over to me.

"Are you going to let me out?" He asked.

"Maybe." I said and smirked and bit my lip.

"I see." He said and put the box down. His face was inches from mine. "What is up with you today?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know." I said. "But...just out of curiosity are you meeting with my Dad in this closet?" I asked.

"Nope." He said.

"Good." I said and pulled him to me by his shirt and crashed my lips into his.

We were about 15 minutes into our romp in the supply closet before he stopped suddenly.

"Killian wh-" I started he clasped a hand over my mouth.

"Shh!" He hissed.

"Killian? Are you in here I saw your car in the parking lot."

Damn it Mrs. Nolan.. you couldn't have waited a little longer? Wait.. Mrs. Nolan?? Fuck!

My eyes widened.

"Yeah! give me a second! He shouted and reached down and locked the closet door so she wouldn't just come in. He let go of my mouth and set me down I quickly adjusted my skirt and top. He fixed his pants and I helped him button up his shirt and fix his hair.

"Stay. Here." He whispered. I hid against the wall as he opened the door and walked out.

Killian POV

"Sorry, Mary Margaret I was looking for something in the closet and I didn't hear you come in." I said.

Please leave.

"Oh, I was just seeing if you needed any help." She replied and gave me a funny look.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Your...buttons are a little funny." She said I looked down at my shirt.

Damnit Kassidy..

I laughed. "I must have gotten dressed in the dark this morning." I said. "Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked. She kept looking at the closet suspiciously.

"Actually, I'm glad you are here. I need help reaching something." She said and smiled. "and don't worry about it. Parent night gets us all Frazzled." She said.

So do insane girl friends.

"Okay, no problem." I said and followed her out of the classroom. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent Kassidy a quick text.


Have to help Mrs. Nolan with something. Its too risky for you to be here, Go out the window. I love you.


The window?? Really??


Do you want to get caught? She's already suspicious. Go! Come over later.


Fine. I love you. Good luck with Parent night!

"Everything okay?" Mrs. Nolan asked.

"Oh, yes." I said and smiled.

This was close. Way too close.

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