"Daddy!" He yelled.

I picked him up when he was close enough, taking his backpack from him. "Did you do your homework?"


"Thank you big boy, say bye to your grandma." I said and he waved at her while we walked off back the car.

I sat him in his car seat, kissing his head. He didn't wanna grow his hair out like Kordei. Apparently he wanted to be 'his own person' and man am I so thankful for him having his own mind.

"What you want to eat?"


"Why Chick-Fil-A?"

"'Cause they got good nuggets and population sauce."

I laughed at him, looking in the mirror. "What you talking bout? It's Polynesian sauce."


"Nothing. Let's just get your nuggets."

We went to Chick-Fil-A and I got everybody something 'cause I already know if I forget Mani's food, she'll go off on me.

When we got back to the house, I made sure the kids were settled at the table before anything.

Mani was in the living room so I went in there and sat down beside her but she looked annoyed like she ate.

"What's wrong?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know."

"You look aggravated."

"I'm not, my fucking stomach hurts... bad." She whined then wrapped her arms around my neck, snuggling her face there. I rubbed her back.

I don't know what's wrong with her but she says her stomach hurts real bad. I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it but give her medicine.

"How bad?"

"Like you just punched me in the face bad. I-" She cut herself off, running off of the couch into the bathroom down here.

I sighed and went in after her, rubbing her back as she threw up in the toilet.

"You alright?"

She shook her head violently, continuing to throw up. Damn, she's really sick. She must have a bug or something.

When she finished throwing up, she brushed her teeth and whined for me to pick her up. Then she wonders where her daughter gets it from.

"You'll be okay baby." I kissed her forehead and went inside our room, laying her down. I didn't know if she wanted to be covered up or not, I just decided to let her stay uncovered.

I went back downstairs and checked on the kids. Like always, Heaven was messing with Kordei and Kordei was taking his anger out on Chas since he would never put his hands on Heaven.

"Ioni bring yo ass here."

She stood in front of me, smiling. I squatted down to her height. "Yesss?"

"Stop messing with your brother or I'mma whoop you, okay?"

"Otay." She placed a kiss on my nose.

"Boys, homework."

"I'm finished Daddy!" They yelled in unison causing me not to believe a word they'd said.

"I wanna see it."

They ran upstairs and I looked back to Heaven. "You too lil' girl, go get that homework."

"I did not know how to do it so I did not do it."

"Little girl, why do you do that?"

"Do what?" She asked, genuinely confused.

"The word is didn't, you say did not for no reason. Say didn't."

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around my neck so I would pick her up. "Boys come to Daddy's room, don't think I forgot!"

My life revolves around my family and they come first whether they believe it or not. I've always wanted a family, nothing BIG but I still wanted a family. The ones that I have now are just enough for me.

I walked into the room and Mani was laying in fetal position with her hands resting on her stomach. I didn't know it hurt that bad. If she would've told me that, I would've done more.

"Hey baby." I kissed her lips, making Heaven whine and crawl between us.

"No kissy!"

"Why Princess?" Mani asked, smoothing down some of Heaven's hair.

"You are not allowed."


"Run again and you'll be sitting down." I said to Heaven.

"But I did not fall." Heaven said.

"I know but if you do fall, I'mma make you sit down." I said and she nodded, walking off to where Chas and Kordei were.

I looked over at Mani who had a pained look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"My stomach still hurts and I don't know what's wrong."

"You wanna go to the doctor?"

She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her, kissing my lips softly. She whined against my lips then placed her hand on the side of my neck.

"What do you think is wrong with you?" I asked, rubbing it. If it hurts, I'm wanna make sure it feels better but I don't think it will for some reason.

"I don't know, that's why we're going to the doctor."

"Clothes is big on me hoe!" Lauren yelled, running inside the house with Ally by her side.

"That's not how you say it Lauren!" Dinah yelled.

Mani sucked her teeth and got up, running off, probably to the bathroom again. This is her second time throwing up, what the hell is wrong with her?


"I'm coming." I mumbled then went into the bathroom, putting her hair in a ponytail for her. I rubbed her back while she threw up then flushed the toilet, shrinking down onto the wall.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." She cried, putting her hands on her head. "My stomach hurts and my head hurts too."

"We're going to the doctor right now." I said and she shook her head, whining.

"I don't want to, not right now."

"Tomorrow? I'm going to be worried Mani and that will just stress both of us out. Please don't be stubborn."

She sighed. "Baby."


"I think I'm pregnant."
Yup! More ideas for this era😭👐

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