Chapter 46

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Normani Kordei Hamilton-Knowles

"Mrs. Hamilton-Knowles-"

"I told you to call me Normani." I smiled at Julius.

He cleared his throat. "Normani, your wife told me to inform you that when you are done, to head straight to the hotel for your safety."

"What happened now?"

"I haven't been informed, I apologize." He said but I knew he was lying.

Anything that he was supposed to tell me, he knew everything about but Beyonce didn't want me to worry most of the time so she told him not to tell me everything. I knew that.

I sighed and Val walked over to me with the kids behind him. They had desserts in their hands and all over their mouths.

"Mommy! Look!" Heaven yelled.

She almost fell on her butt, Chas following right after. Kordei seemed to be the only functioning one right now.

"What?" I asked her and she held up this small toy she had then smiled widely.

I picked her up and Val handed me a napkin to wipe her mouth with.

"Your children are a delight to hang around with." He said. The boys nodded their heads vigorously and I knew they were rushed off of candy. They would be asleep soon.

"Thank you, they're assholes at home though. Don't let them fool you." I put Heaven back down when I wiped her mouth successfully.

"It was a pleasure working with you Mani." He said, hugging me.

"And the same goes for you, you're an amazing dancer." I said.

We pulled away and Julius helped the kids into the limo once we were established. For once, I am going to listen to Beyonce and go straight to the hotel. I don't know what's going on so I'll listen this time. I'm sure it has something to do with Ms. Davis.

Like I said, as soon as we pulled up to the hotel, the boys were knocked out but Heaven was jumping all around. I knew it was 'cause she had all that damn sugar.

"Who keeps giving yo ass candy?" I mumbled to myself.

I woke the boys up so they could walk. I won't be carrying no six or eight year old.

When we got to the hotel room, I was sure that Heaven was getting her ass whooped if she keeps this up.

As soon as they got inside, the boys walked over to the bed with sleepy eyes. They didn't even bother to take their shoes off or nothing. They're so precious.

"Heaven, come here." I called for her and she ran over, hopping. "You never eating candy again."

Once Beyonce called me, I was holding Heaven, getting her ole big headed ass to go to sleep.

"Do you need anything?" She asked.

"That's cute but you called me babe."

"I know I was just asking."

"That's so cute but I do need something. I need to know why I needed to immediately go to the hotel instead of going anywhere else also remind me to never give your daughter candy or dessert again. She won't go to sleep." I sighed.

"Don't worry about the first situation and I've been told you to stop giving her candy but you don't listen."

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Home. I'm figuring some things out."

"Things like what? Beyonce I promise I will be home in a few hours if you keep playing with me. Stop doing that."

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