Chapter 24 Right back at it again

Start from the beginning

"I...don't know Ruby, I'm really not looking to jump into anything with anyone." I said. "Besides I thought Belle and I were going together." I said.

"Well.. about that." Belle said. "Gaston asked me."

"That guy?! Hes such a jerk Belle.."

"Hes not..totally bad." She said.

"I told you you missed a lot." Ruby said.

"Well, I mean I don't have to go with someone do I?" I asked.

"Well, its a formal, so..kind of. It will be fine, we can just find you a guy for one night and you don't even have to dance with him. Just show up with him." Ruby said.

"Okay.. I guess." I said. "I'll let you guys pick someone for me. I'm really not interested." I said.

"Sure." Emma said.

"Have we come up with a theme?" I asked.

"Not yet. Still working on it." Ruby said. "But we have to have one by next week so we can start making decorations. So if you come up with anything. Let me know."

"Sure." I said and smiled. My new mission, come up with a theme that would allow me to be with Killian at the formal.

"Hey, Kassidy." Someone said as they approached the table. I groaned to myself,

Zelena. We had only had a couple of run ins, but they were not pleasant. She was that stereotype mean girl that was everything I hated

"Zelena.." I said.

"So sad about Dylan. You must feel awful." She said.

"Why would I feel awful?" I asked.

"Well, its just he was so nice and you led him on no wonder he went a little crazy." She said.

"Maybe you should get the facts before you start talking out of your ass." I said.

"Dylan was a creep." Emma said.

"Not the Dylan I knew." Zelena said. "He was sweet, and caring and he cared an awful lot for the wrong person."

"You knew him for a few weeks. I knew him for three years." I said and stood up and stared her in the eyes.

"Shit.." Emma muttered. "Kassidy.. Mr. Jones is right over there Don't be crazy." She said.

"You knew him for three years, and still. His life meant nothing to you. I wish my Dad was a cop who could get away with murdering people I don't like." She said Before I could even think about what I was doing I reared back and slapped her across the face. The slap echoed through the cafeteria.

"And there she goes." Emma sighed and put her head in her hands.

Killian POV

I heard the slap from clear across the cafeteria and looked up to figure out who was fighting.

Oh For Christ Sake Kassidy, on your first day back? Really! I thought. Zelena slapped her back and then it became a knock down drag out really quickly.


I hurried and pushed my way through students who were circling around them chanting fight.

Fucking teenagers are insane. Always out for blood. I thought when I made my way to the center of the fight, Kassidy was on top of Zelena She had one hand grabbing Zelenas hair and the other hand punching her in the face. I had never seen her so angry.

"Girls! Enough!" I shouted. They completely ignored me.

Alrighty then..

"I said enough!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around Kassidy pulling her off of Zelena. Mr. Booth stepped into help I held Kassidy back as she swung her fists and August held Zelena back.

"Alright. Come on." I said dragging a swinging, and screaming Kassidy out of the Cafeteria.

"Kassidy stop!" I yelled and pulled her into my classroom. I had to at least calm her down before I took her to the office. Not that I wanted to, there was just no way that I couldn't report this now. I let her go as soon as I closed my door.

"What the hell was that?!" I demanded.

"She ran her mouth." Kassidy mumbled. I looked at her face.

"Bloody hell.." I sighed. She had scratches down her cheek and her nose was bleeding. "Sit down." I said. She sat down in a chair and I went to go get my first aid kit.

"You girls don't fuck around do you.." I sighed. "You have blood all over your shirt."

"That's Zelena's..." She said.


I opened the first aid and disinfected the scratches on her face

"Son of a bitch what was that?!"

"It was a disinfectant. you'll live." I said and cleaned up her nose as well. "Hold this to your nose and tilt your head back." I said She took the Kleenex and tilted her head back.

"You realize that I have to report this right. I have to take you to the office, and you will likely get in some trouble." I said.

"I know.." She said. "I'm sorry."

"What on earth started that fight?!" I asked.

"She accused my Dad of being a murderer." She said.

I sighed. "I should have warned you people would make those comments."

"Hes not a murderer!" She said.

"I know. and you know, that's what's important. Now come on ya delinquent." I smirked.

She sighed. "I'm sorry I put you in this position Killian." She said.

"Its fine. Just next time you want to knock some ones lights out, do it when I'm not on lunch duty, yeah?"

She grinned.

Kassidy POV

I sat outside the office waiting for my Dad to get done talking to Mr. Collins, miraculously I didn't get suspended. But they were making me go home for the rest of the day. Which sucked because I'd miss Killian's class. Dad came out and looked at me and shook his head.

"Come on." He said. I got up and followed him out the door.

"I'm really Sorry Dad." I said.

"Don't apologize." He said.

"I'm sorry.. what?" I asked.

"Did she really accuse me of Murder?" He asked.

"Yeah..,I mean everything was cool until that." I said.

"Don't apologize. Just answer one question." He asked.

"Okay.." I said.

"Whos blood is that all over you, yours or hers?" He asked.

"Hers.." I said.

"That's my girl." He said and put his arm around me leading me to the car.

Teach Me To Love Part 1Where stories live. Discover now