Chapter 23 Healing

Start from the beginning

"We will come back and see you later Kassidy, your Dad is right you need rest." Ruby said.

"Okay." I said. "I'll see you guys later." I smiled.

When I opened my eyes I was met by a pair of piercing blue eyes.

"Hey you." Killian said softly.

"Hey" I mumbled and went to sit up but couldn't move very well.

"Easy." Killian said and helped me sit up.

"What are you doing here? What if someone gets suspicious?" I asked.

"Your dad is napping in the lobby. I just wanted to see how you were doing." Killian said.

"I'd be better if I was out of here.." I said.

"Tomorrow right?" Killian asked.

"Hopefully." I said. "I have to stay out of school for the next week though maybe longer depending on how well I can use my arm by the end of the week." I said.

"If I know you, and your stubborn self, you'll be in school by Friday." Killian said and sat down.

"How are you doing? you know up here?" Killian asked and tapped my head.

"I'm fine. I'm also high on pain medicine most of the time. So I haven't had a lot of time to process everything. I just feel weird. Because Dylan is dead and I am relieved? Is that even the right response?" I asked.

"I think for someone who has been through what you have with him, it is." Killian said. I could tell by his face he as relieved too. It was over, we didn't have to worry about him anymore and we could just be us.

"The doctors are hopeful that by New Years I'll be able to use my arm fully again. The bullet didn't hit any major nerves or anything Its just my entire arm is stiff, and sore because I can't move my shoulder without it hurting." I said changing the subject.

"That is great...well except for you being in pain." Killian said.

"The pain will stop eventually." I said and smiled.

"God I've missed that smile." He said.

"I've missed you. I just want to get out of here and get back to our normal lives." I said.

"I know. and we will. But you need time to heal." He said and kissed my cheek.

"I have to go for now, but I will call you, and text you whenever I can when you get home." He said. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said and smiled at him as he walked out of the room.

It was Wednesday afternoon, I had been home for three days now and I was going just as crazy here as I was the hospital. I had finally convinced my Dad to go to work, it was odd that when I wanted him home he was never here, but when I wanted him to leave me alone I had to push him out the door. The bandages had been removed from my shoulder and I was in a sling for now. I was supposed to start the physical therapy tomorrow and get the stitches out of my shoulder Friday. I was going to look like Frankenstein's monster between this and the scar that I already had on my left shoulder. I looked at my clock it was 4 pm. I had to get out of this house. Just for a little bit. I grabbed the bottle of prescription pain medicine from the counter in case I needed it, and shoved it in my jacket pocket on my way out the door.

Killian POV

I sat in my office looking over worksheets from todays lessons when the doorbell rang. That was odd, I wasn't expecting anyone. I walked to the door and opened it. There stood Kassidy, She leaned against the door frame, and she looked exhausted.

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