Chapter 19 Deal with the Devil

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It was a slow day at school, it was the day before Thanksgiving break started so most of the teachers didn't have much going on as far as lessons and homework. Dylan stepped up beside me in the lunch line. I rolled my eyes.

"You do know people are watching you right?" I asked.

"I know. Thanks to Mr. Jones. I don't know why that guy hates me so much." He said.

I just gave him a look.

"Maybe.. and this is just a guess, its because he knows that you are a terrible person." I said.

"I need to talk to you after school." He said.

"Not a chance." I said.

"I think you'll be really interested in what I have to say."

"Nothing you say or do interests me Dylan." I said.

"We'll see." He said and grinned while walking away. I didn't like that look at all.

"Hey, you okay?" Emma asked as she walked up beside me.

"Yeah. I'm good." I said and smiled.

"Good." She said. We got our trays and walked to the table where Ruby and Belle were sitting.

"I'm so glad we are off all of next week." Ruby said.

"Me too." I said. I really wasn't. It was the first Holiday without my mom, and Everyone else was going to be busy including Killian so I would be stuck home by myself for most of it.

"You and your Dad still coming over for Thanksgiving?" Emma asked.

"Yeah. That's the plan at least." I said and smiled.

"Awesome. I'll let my parents know." She said.

"What are you going to do for the rest of the week?" Belle asked. "If you don't want to be home alone, you can come over."

"I might. I don't know things with Dylan have kind of calmed down and my Dad said that he'll have someone watch the house just incase. I haven't really been home in weeks." I said.

"Well where have you been?" Ruby asked.

Oops. Think quickly Kassidy.

"I've been staying at the station with my Dad when he pulls long nights."

"You don't have to do that, you could totally come to my house." Ruby said.

"Yeah. Sure I'll ask him about it. He just likes to keep me close." I said. I really hated lying to them but they could never know where I really was most of the time.

Killian POV

Finally, the last class of the day. The day had been too slow. I cut everyone slack because it was right before the holiday and everyone was going to be busy. I looked up from my desk as Kassidy walked in the class. She was in a good mood. That was good. She looked at me and winked and sat down at her desk and kicked her boots up blowing a bubble with her bubble gum.

She was not kidding about the extra sass. I thought and it might have been my eyes playing tricks on me, but it appeared that her skirt was at least an inch shorter. I scanned the classroom for Dylan, usually his beady little eyes were locked on her and I didn't want him scoping out her legs the way I was, but he didn't appear to be here.

I picked up the waste basket beside my desk and walked over to Kassidy's desk and knocked her legs to the floor and put the waste basket in its place.

"Loose the gum Miss Cole." I said. She spit the gum in the trash can and smirked up at me.

"All gone." She said.

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