Twenty minutes later, I'm leaving my parents room. They weren't happy with my decision but were understanding. They said they would stick by me with it so we are not going anywhere.

I go back to my room and hear hushed voices.

"You better not hurt her otherwise I'll kick you where the sun doesn't shine, twice," Ren warns in a low voice.

"I promise," Xavier says in his deep voice. I mentally roll my eyes at my friends. They can be so protective when they want to be. At least I know they are good friends who only want the best for me.

"Stop pestering Xavier guys," I say stepping into my room. My two best friends hold their hands up in mock surrender as they smirk.

"We were only talking to him." Cora innocently bats her eyelashes. I'm not going to fall for her 'innocent' act because I know she isn't in the slightest bit innocent.

Right and I'm Jesus.

I narrow my eyes at her and go over to Xavier. As soon as he's at arm's length from me, he pulls me into his lap. Right in front of my two grinning best friends. They're eyes hold mischief and excitement. I bet they are having a field day right now.

I glower at them and snuggle into Xavier's warm embrace. He's wearing a black t-shirt that hugs his muscles well. The t-shirt cuts off quite high up the arm, flaunting off his big muscles and even some tattoos. He has a tattoo of a flower and then there's some writing in a different language. I'll have to ask him about it.

"How about we go out?" Ren suggests after having a small conversation with Cora.

"Yeah," I pipe up, excited at the thought of going out somewhere. "Where though?"

We all ponder on where to go. I try to think of places here but I can only come up with a few restaurants and the mall.

"How about..." Cora trails off.

"Bowling!" Ren yells, grinning. "I haven't been in ages and plus, Anna can show Xavier how talented she is at it."

I narrow my eyes at Ren whilst Xavier gives me a perplexed look. I suck at bowling and Ren knows it. Once, I ended up bowling the ball in the wrong lane causing the people next door to us to get really angry at us. I haven't been since.

"Do we have to?" I whine, pouting.

My friends nod their heads and start walking out of the door. Well then...

I get up out of Xavier's lap and start following them. Xavier comes up behind me and puts a possessive hand around my waist.

He leans down so that his mouth is the same level as my ear. "Talent at bowling huh? We shall see Princess."

I swallow at the competitive look in his eyes and speed up my pace. Xavier only chuckles at me. I swear he's always laughing at what I do. It appears everything I do amuses him.

I get into Xavier's car, noticing how my friends had already left in Ren's car. Thanks, guys.

We drive to the bowling place, me blabbering the whole time about pointless things. Xavier always seems interested in everything I say. Like he's hanging onto every word. I wonder if he likes me rambling on about things.

"I'm sorry," I apologize as I finish my speech about a book I just finished. "I'm probably sending you to sleep right now. Which is something you shouldn't do because of your driving and all..."

Xavier chuckles at me again, his eyes on the road. "You could never bore me Princess and I enjoy listening to you. I want to listen to you ramble about things forever because what you talk about is very interesting. Your passion for these things makes me want to be interested in them."

Flabbergasted at him, I smile turning to also look out of the window. Little did he know how much I took that to my heart.

"Xavier?" I ask him. He hums, briefly turning his head to look at me. "What does the tattoo with the writing mean?"

I have always been curious on what accipit quid est, ut fiat et id quod erat, et non est in illis quae fidei erunt means, I know its Latin but I have no idea what it says.

"It says accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be." He informs me, flickering his grey eyes to me. I nod my head in understanding, biting my lip.

"That's cool. I always wanted to get a tattoo."

He smirks at me and I cock my head to the side. That smirk... "Maybe we could get matching tattoos."

I laugh at his suggestion.

"That's so cheesy," I exclaim.

"But romantic." He adds.

It would be romantic but...matching tattoos? Seriously? What would it even be anyways? My name on his arm or something? I don't know how I feel about that. It is romantic though but...if we did get matching tattoos, its would be awkward if we broke up. I would have his name on me for the rest of my life. 


"How about we make a deal." Xavier suddenly proposes. "If we end up dating for six months and if our relationship goes really well, we get matching tattoos."

Hmm, I like the sound of that. "Deal."

Xavier grins to himself. "You better choose where you want it because I'm not letting you go Princess."

I mentally roll my eyes ignoring my hammering heart. The butterflies are back again as well, this time it feels like they are doing acrobatics in my stomach. Wonderful.

"We shall see," I mumble under my breath. The rest of the drive goes smoothly, with me and Xavier joking about things. We are still getting to know each other and every time I learn something new about him, I love him a bit more. Is that possible? I don't know.

"We're here." Xavier points out as we park. I get out of the car, my eyes wandering around the busy area. The bowling center is surrounded by shops and restaurants. Inside the bowling center, they have an arcade and even some rides. Not very good rides but passable ones.

I spot Ren and Cora with a bubbly Jess and a puppy-eyed Derek. He still wants Cora back, I can see the desperation in his eyes. Cora still won't forgive him, I think she's punishing him now for what he did. Eventually, she'll cave in.

"Hey guys," I greet with a smile as we stop near them.

Jess and Derek greet me back, looking me up head to toe. They still look worried after earlier on which makes me smile brighten.

"Let's do this." Ren pumps her fist and rushes into the bowling center. Giggling at her behavior, I follow her. 

Word count: 1682

Hello! Sorry for the long wait, I had two psychology tests this week *sighs*. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The part in Latin I was translated by Google translate so I apologize now if its wrong. 

Question: who is your favorite character? 

More drama to come in the next few chapters!

Next update: 11th March

Next update: 11th March

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