Chapter 10 Cold

Comincia dall'inizio

"Just now.. I don't know how he got my new number." I said. "Why did you make me do that?!" I demanded.

"If I had known it was Dylan I wouldn't have." He said. "This is getting out of control Kassidy!" He added.

"Like you even care!" I hissed at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" He asked.

"You blocked me." I said.

"Because It is inappropriate for me to be connecting with my students on facebook!" He said. "You need to tell someone about Dylan. someone who can help you."

"I've got it." I said. "Don't worry."

"You've said that before." Mr. Jones said.

"Yeah. Whatever." I said and walked away from him.

"Where are you going?!" He demanded.

I didn't answer him I just kept walking until I heard his classroom door slam.

It was after school, Ruby had brought me my backpack from Mr. Jones classroom and told me what the homework was. Along with giving me a huge lecture about how I needed to get someone else involved to help with my Dylan problem. I just wanted him to go away. I walked down by the docks and sat down with my legs hanging over the dock watching the water below. It made me miss my mom, She loved the ocean.

"Kassidy." A voice from behind me said.

I froze in fear. It couldn't be. I stood up and slowly turned around.

"D..Dylan?" I said and looked at the boy with the shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes standing in front of me.

"How..did you find me?" I asked.

"The same way I got your number. Amanda. She told me where you moved. I've been here a since last night. I know how much you like the ocean, so I figured this would be a good place to look." He said and shrugged. "I'm really Sorry Kass.. I miss you." He said and stepped towards me.

"Stay away." I said.

"Kass come on.. I love you."

"I don't love you. You need to leave me alone Dy-" I started to say before he grabbed my arms and pulled me to him. His fingers gripped my arms so hard I knew they would bruise.

"Stop saying that! I know you still love me Kassidy!" He shouted.

"Dylan stop! you are hurting me!" I said and Pushed him off of me. He growled and grabbed a fist full of my hair with one hand and my face with the other.

"Don't you see you are making me do this?!" He screamed in my face before forcing me to kiss him.

Killian POV

I felt horrible. I shouldn't have made Kassidy answer that phone call. I shouldn't have blocked her either. The hurt in her eyes was heartbreaking. I needed to stop caring so much. I could loose my job, I could end up in prison. I had never been more conflicted in my life. I hit the steering wheel as I drove, making my way home. As I drove past the docks, something caught my eye. I slowed down so I could see what was going on. There was a girl, in a Storybrooke, School uniform and a boy with a letterman jacket from a different school. He had the girls hair in his fist and she was struggling to get away. I looked closer. This wasn't just any girl. It was Kassidy. I parked quickly but left it running and got out and ran towards the docks.

"Hey!" I shouted. The boy let go of her hair and turned around and looked at me. Tears were streaming down Kassidy's face.

"What do you want?!" Dylan asked me.

"I want you to unhand her." I said my fists clenched at my sides.

"She's fine. We were just messing around." Dylan said. "Right babe?" He asked. Kassidy was too afraid to say otherwise. She just nodded quietly.

"Kassidy, you don't have to lie for him. Come with me." I said and held my hand out.

"Who the fuck is this guy Kass?" Dylan asked.

"No one.." Kassidy said quietly.

"He knows you! Don't lie to me!" Dylan yelled and back handed her across the mouth.

I don't know exactly what came over me. But I could not stop myself or my fist from connecting with Dylan's jaw and the next thing I knew it was a complete knock down drag out between myself and Dylan. Kassidy was screaming at us both to stop. But I was determined that I wasn't going to stop until this kid was dead. How dare he hit her?

"Killian! Please!" She shouted and tried to pull the two of us apart.

"Stay the fuck out of it!" Dylan shouted and swung his fist nailing her right in the side of the head. His class ring left a cut beside her eye. She wobbled and stepped backwards.

"Kassidy!" I shouted. Her eyes rolled back and she collapsed on the dock.

"Shit.." Dylan muttered and took off. I Fought the urge to go after him and tear his head from his shoulders. I couldn't. Kassidy was more important. I ran to her side.

"Kassidy.. Kassidy come on. Wake up sweetheart." I said and nudged her lightly.

"Killian.." She murmured and opened her eyes slightly.

"Its okay. you are going to be okay." I said and scooped her up running with her in my arms to my car.

Teach Me To Love Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora