Chapter 8 Test Day

Start from the beginning

"Miss Cole, return to your seat and finish your test." Mr. Jones said.

"I..I.." I fumbled over the words like I was having a stroke. Mr. Jones stood up.

"Miss Cole.." He said. I grabbed my backpack off the floor and ran out of the classroom.

Killian POV

"Everyone, finish your tests. Eyes on your own paper." I said moved away from my desk following Kassidy out of the classroom. When I got to the hall, She was a pacing, hyperventilating, mess.

"Kassidy." I said. She continued to pace.

"Kassidy!!" I said and grabbed ahold of her shoulders stopping her. She looked at me and just started crying.

"I can't do it." She said through tears.

"Yes, you can. You are just panicking. Just breathe." I said. I felt horrible seeing her this way, over a test. A test I knew she could pass, but she didn't.

"Kassidy. Breathe." I repeated calmly. She slowed her breathing keeping her eyes on me.

"Its just a test. As much as I make it seem like it, Its not life or death." I said.

"I just don't want to let you down." She said. I frowned, This was all because she didn't want to let me down?

"You aren't going to let me down.." I said. At this point, I'd let her get away with murder. I pushed a blonde curl out of her eyes.

Stop. Killian. Stop. Thats too far.

"If I fail this test.." She started.

"The only way you are going to fail, is if you don't get back in there. Sit down, and finish it." I said. "And even if you do fail, you tried and that is enough for me."

Who the hell am I? What is she doing to you Killian??

"Everyone is going to think I am crazy.." She said.

"Anyone who knows you, knows you're crazy." I said. She laughed.

"Its what makes you." I added and smiled and looked at my watch. "You have 20 minutes."

"I better get back in there." She said.

"Yes, you better." I said. "Just.. follow my lead. I don't want the other students thinking I'm too nice." I said and opened the door to the classroom Lightly pushing Kassidy back into the room.

"Back to your seat Miss Cole, I don't know what that outburst was. You are lucky I don't fail you!" I said.

"Sorry, Mr. Jones. Wont happen again." She said and gave me a small smirk before sitting back down and going back to her test. This girl was going to ruin me.

and I was going to let her.

Kassidy POV

I paced as I waited while Mr. Jones graded my test. Everyone else would find out their results Monday. But I begged him to grade mine now. I needed to know.

"Kassidy, for the love of God, sit down you are making me dizzy." He said.

"Sorry." I said and sat down at my desk tapping my pencil.

"Kassidy!" He said. I set my pencil down. and looked over at him concentrating on my test.

"I'm sorry.. I freaked out earlier." I said.

"I've told you, 3 times now, that it is okay. Everyone gets Test anxiety Kassidy." He said.

Kassidy. I preferred it when he said my name, rather than Miss Cole. It gave me goosebumps.

He set his red pen down and looked up at me. His eyes looked angry.

"Its. Bad. Its so bad.. I knew it." I said. He chuckled and held up the paper. I blinked at the red 95% circled on the paper.

"That's..not my test." I said. "That can't be my test." I said. He turned it around.

"It says Kassidy Cole." He said. I stood up and took the paper from him.

"I...Got an A?" I asked.

"Yes. Kassidy. You Got an A." He said with a grin as he stood from his desk. I ran around to him and hugged him.

"Thank you!" I said. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.

"Why are you thanking me? You took the test."

"But you helped me." I said.

"I did my job." He said and rested his chin on the top of my head and just held me and everything felt right For that moment.

"You are amazing." I said and pressed the side of my head to his chest. He pulled away and cleared his throat.

God damnit Kassidy why did you have to go and do that? I thought.

"Right. Well. Great Job." He said. I looked at him confused and slightly hurt that he was suddenly being so cold.

"Shouldn't you be getting home?" He asked.

"I..still have detention." I said.

"Well, I think I can let you off. You did after all get an A." He said. "I'll see you Monday. Miss Cole." He said.

"But Killian.." I said.

"Mr. Jones." He corrected.

"Okay. Yeah. Mr. Jones. I..will see you monday." I said and picked up my backpack and walked out of the classroom fighting back tears.

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