8. Teaspoons and troll bogeys

Start from the beginning

Hermione leaves my side and pushes past Ron, and I can see tears forming in her eyes. Ron looks at her, his ears going red.

"Ron!" I say angrily. I knew this was going to happen anyway but still. "You have the emotional range of a teaspoon, honestly!" Yes, I just used that.

His ears go as red as his hair as I storm off past him, following Hermione to the girls bathroom.

"Hermione? You in here?"

"Yeah..." She sniffles. "I only wanted to help him."

"He'll see sense..."


"In about..." I check my watch. "Maybe two hours?" I offer.

"Wait, what?"

"Do you have your wand with you?"

"Umm... Yeah? Why?"

"Hold onto it, ok?"

"Sure... You should probably go. The feast is coming up. I don't want you to miss it."

"No, I can stay here if you want."

"Go, or I'll hex you." I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Ok then." I sigh. "I'll see you soon."

"Yeah. See you."

I turn around and meet up with Harry and Ron. We walk past Lavender and hear Parvati telling her that Hermione is in the girls bathroom, crying. Ron goes red with embarrassment and I make a point to only talk to Harry.

"Ron was being really mean, wasn't he, Harry?"

"I guess..." He says slowly. "Sorry, mate. It's true." I hear him whisper.

I sit down at the Slytherin table and I see Ron and Harry noticing Hermione's not there. Then Quirrel comes in with the whole 'there's a troll in the dungeon!' act.

Everybody screams except me. Dumbledore tells everyone to calm down and head off to the common rooms while the teachers go and fight the troll.

The Slytherin common room is a dungeon.

Oh well.

As my house passes Snape, who is rushing off after Quirrel, I detach myself silently from the group and hurry off after him.

"Professor Snape! I'm coming with you!"

He doesn't stop, but calls over his shoulder. "Why?"

"You're right. It's him and he's going to the corridor. I want to make sure you don't get bitten!"

"Thanks for the warning but you really shouldn't be here!"

"It's my job. I'm supposed to help you in any way possible!"

"I thought it was just to save my life!"

"I honestly want to help you. It may not be the full reason I'm here but-" we arrive outside the door to the corridor and I catch my breath. "That doesn't change the fact that I want to help."

"Fine. Let's go in, but make sure you aren't seen. It would seem suspicious."

"What you're doing is already suspicious."

"True that."

He opens the door and I follow him inside. It's dark and quiet until we hear a harp beginning to play.

'Go!' I mouth to Snape and he nods, advancing forward while I hide. I can see the whole room from this corner, but I'm hard to spot. I can also cast a spell if I need to.

"Quirinus... Shouldn't you be helping defeat that troll?"

"I-I could ask you the s-same question, s-Severus."

"Don't. Lie. To me." He grabs Quirrel's robes and I mentally die. This is just amazing. I then notice something. The harp has stopped.

Fluffy gets up and swings his head at the nearest person, who happens to be Snape. He isn't quick enough and his leg is clamped in those jaws.


That's literally all he says. He gets bitten by a massive three headed dog and all he says is 'ow'. I facepalm and Quirrel looks around.

"I heard a facepalm! Heard!" He exclaims.

I wave my wand at Fluffy and whisper "Stupefy!" and Fluffy is knocked out cold. I put a body bind on Quirrel and Snape looks up at me.

"Was I supposed to get bitten?"

"I wanted to prevent that... But yeah."

"You go. I'll get Quirrel and myself out of here." He stands up slowly and winces.

"I'll help. Wingardium Leviosa." Quirrel floats up into the air and we get out of the room, then Snape locks it.

"Finite." Snape waves his wand and Quirrel drops to the floor and stands up. I point my wand menacingly.

"Get out of here Isabelle." Hisses Snape.

"Ok. That's what memory charms are for, by the way." I walk away towards the common room and slip in unnoticed. I crawl to the dorm and flop down on my bed, drifting off into a dream...


So I guess Snape's getting used to Isabelle being there...

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