twenty one : bruised

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As the screen dimmed, I was able to see my reflection. I had bruises all over my cheekbones and when I looked down and pulled up my sleeves, I could see bruises everywhere as well. I was sore and battered and there was nothing I could do about it.

I looked up at the road and realized where we were heading. "No. Don't take me home," I quickly informed Mario which earned me one quizzical brow. "I don't want my girlfriend to see me like this." The last thing I wanted was to cause her worry. I knew if she saw me like this, she would cry and that would break my heart.

To my surprise, he didn't say anything but he drove past the building where Autumn and I lived. He only stopped a few miles outside Manhattan, in front of a tall building with red painted bricks. He helped me get out of the car and supported me all the way to a room on the third floor.

"You should sit." Carefully, he put me down on the couch and walked towards the front to close the door. I shrugged off my coat and made myself feel comfortable on the couch. "Tell me, how many rounds did you get?" He took a seat across from me and put his arms on top of his knees as he leaned forward and slid his gaze on any visible bruises.


Mario nodded thoughtfully. "Not so bad. I've suffered three."

I looked at him in disbelief. How could twenty-four hit by baseball bat considered as not so bad? "Are you joking? I wasn't even sure how I managed to stay alive."

"The big boss won't kill you. You're a good asset, he won't let you die if he thinks you're still useful." He stood and walked towards the fridge and when he came back, he had frozen peas in one hand. "Here." He handed the bag of frozen peas and I shoved it against my back where it hurt most. "I prefer peas over anything else." Mario shrugged. "They fit better to my back, knees, or shoulder, and when they're hard they kinda massage my muscle like cold beads."

I nodded. I preferred a bag of frozen peas as well. "You knew this was going to happen, didn't you? Is that why you sounded like you didn't want me to come?"

He brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead. "Yes. I feel bad for leading you into a lions' den." He dropped his gaze to the floor and I watched his jaw tightened. "But big boss' order. I can't do anything about it."

"So you knew they sent photos of my girlfriend and threatened me to come?"

His brows scrunched and his dark eyes narrowed with thought. When he finally answered, his reply was unexpected. "I didn't know but I would guess that's what they'd do."

I leaned forward, causing the bag of peas I put between my back and the back of the couch dropped. "What do you mean?"

Mario lips set into a grim. "That's what they did to me."

I pondered his words for a few moments, then realized what happened. When I sat with him and Faith in the cafe yesterday, I was so distracted by trying to protect Faith that I didn't realize his longing eyes whenever he stole a glance at her. He still loved her. Mario still loved Faith. I should've seen the signs. "Faith."

A bitter smile appeared on his lips. "Yeah."

"What happened?" I paused and quickly added, "I know it's none of my business but if you don't mind telling me."

Mario scratched the back of his neck and stood. "We are going to need some drinks if we're going to talk about that." He moved to the fridge again and yelled, "do you prefer chilled beer or shots of tequila?"

I couldn't handle tequila right now. The hangover would be painful so I told him I preferred the beer. Mario put down one pack, containing six bottles of beer, on the table. He seemed to know that I was totally worn out and wouldn't be able to open the cap so he opened it for me before he handed me the beer. He clinked his bottle on mine and we took a drink.

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