Chapter 7 Friend Request

Start from the beginning

"Who are you Kassidy Cole?" I muttered to myself I clicked on her photos. I smiled at her pictures, in most of them she seemed happy. I smirked at the one of Her, Ruby Emma and Belle that was definitely taken in my classroom when I wasn't looking they all had fake pouts on their faces and the caption was "Math got me all like.."

Ouch, Miss Cole. That hurts

I scrolled through and found a few photos from her school in New York. Did she ever pay attention in class? I clicked through the pictures until it landed on one Kassidy and a boy who was kissing her on the cheek. I looked for a caption but there was none. Instead there was a Dylan Hendrixson tagged. I clenched my jaw. Why did she still have this photo? Why did it infuriate me? Why did I want to leave a hole the size of my fist in this boys head? clicked out of her pictures and went back to her profile and browsed around. Most of her statuses were just edgy song lyrics and what she was having for dinner. The only things I was finding out about Kassidy was She took an incredible amount of selfies, enjoyed pop punk music, and ate a lot of take out. It was a start. I went to close her profile but my computer lagged causing me Miss click on the screen and just as my luck would have it, I managed to click the add friend button on her profile. I stared in horror at the screen for a few minutes. Trying to think. How could I have been so bloody stupid. I canceled the request and hoped like hell she didn't see it.

Kassidy POV

I sat at my computer working on some homework and eating left over Chinese take out when my facebook in the other tab pinged. I clicked it and looked at my notifications.

'Killian Jones has sent you a friend request'

"Who the hell is Killian Jones?" I asked myself with a mouth full of fried rice and went to the search bar and typed in his name. and just like that, I spit Fried rice all over the computer screen.

"Shit." I said and cleaned the rice off of the screen and keyboard and stared at the screen.

Why would Mr. Jones send me a friend request? I clicked on his profile, the request had been canceled. I frowned, not sure why but it upset me a little. His profile was mostly private save for a few pictures of himself. I smirked at them, He looked really good when he wasn't in a classroom yelling at people about Algebra. I mean, he looked good doing that too, but this was better. He was smiling. I thought for a moment and then I did something. Something I shouldn't have done.. I clicked on the messenger Icon and opened a conversation.


"So..Killian huh? this whole time I thought your name was Bob."

Killian POV

My fear had become reality when I looked down at the screen and noticed that Kassidy had sent me a message. However, her message did make me laugh. Just like her to turn this awkward situation into a comedy. There was no avoiding this now.


So I'm guessing you saw that friend request.


Busted. Why you creeping my profile?


*Why are you. You do take an English class, yes?


When I decide to show up. Nice way to avoid the question Bob.


Please don't call me Bob.


Sure. Killian ;)

Why was I still typing? This was a very bad idea yet I couldn't stop myself. I shook my head. No. This was inappropriate on so many levels I went to shut my laptop but my messenger pinged again.


So, why are you creeping my profile Killian?


That's Mr. Jones, to you and I was just making sure you made it home okay.


Yup. All Good here. Mr. Jones. ;) I was working on my homework before I was rudely intrupted by your phantom friend request.


What are you working on?


Well, you see this math teacher I have.. he gave us all this study guide with impossible equations for an impossible test on friday. What a jerk huh?


Watch it Cole.

besides, I gave you all of the answers. What are you complaining about?


I've been working on question 20 for two hours. I keep getting the wrong answer.


Skip it we will work on it tomorrow.




Its getting late, Miss Cole.


Yeah. I guess. See you tomorrow then?


Bright and Early. Goodnight Kassidy



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