"Oh Finn, you just missed him he left town and didn't tell a soul where he was going, probably to busy trying to win mummy original over" Anna said causing Damon to snigger to himself, Rebekah and Sage then passive aggressively talked about Finn glaring at each other with each remark


"So what was all that about" Valentina asked curiosity getting the better of her

"Turns our that red head is a flame of my uncle finn's, she's a 900 year old vampire who my family hate and Damon knows from early in the 1900s, you know casual friendly meeting" Anna said giggling with her friend

"Any word on white oak"

"Not even a whisper!" Anna huffed, this plan was getting no where, the Protect Elena gang was doing a better job than her

"Well I've had an idea, get inside Rebekah's head, she must know more than she's letting on, Rebekah can be easily manipulated by love, get Stefan on your side and you'll find it considering they seem to know all the info of this town." Valentina said trying to cheer her friend up

"Better idea, get Damon to do that for me, do you think Sage will convince him if I give her a right price" Anna replied mishcheivoously she then vamp sped off to find the red head and convince her to help.


"Elliot Winchester, when are you going to get your own place and leave me alone" Anna said pushing Elliot's feet that were resting on the coffee table of the Mikaelson Mansion.

"I thought I was a guest" Elliot said putting his hand on his heart and pouting

"Well when 'guests' don't help with my diobolical plans they cease to be of used to me" Anna replied throwing herself next to Elliot on the sofa

"When did Anna Mikaelson need help with getting what she wants" Elliot replied remember the times of the 70s and 80s when Anna was fun loving. He distinctively remember she Anna compelled herself an entire wardrobe of someone else's clothes she simply liked when they had first broken her out of the Augustine hell hole.

"Uhh never mind but sometimes a lady must rest her tired legs" Anna did laughing at her own remark and smiling at her old flame and now friend. She felt almost at peace with Elliot, Stefan and Valentina in her life, but she couldn't be at peace until she got her pay back for what Klaus did to her mum. "Can I tell you something Eli" Anna said her voice genuinely breaking and stuttering

"Anything always" Elliot replied also sincerely. Anna then preseaded to tell Elliot about her mother, how she was killed by Klaus, that no one knew, and the reason why she wanted to kill him was because he was the reason she grew up the bastard orphan without her mum to raise her. "I am so sorry Annie" Eliot said he saw Anna become hysterically crying and he hugged her before putting her head in his lap and caressing her hair trying to comfort her.


Anna knew she only had a little time before Damon and Sage invited Rebekah over to the boarding house so she quickly vamp sped over to the Salvatore home
She quickly checked if anyone was inside before kicking the door making sure it wasn't off it's hinges.

She planned to be in and out in seconds, she quickly went to the Salvatore library, she remembered seeing logging mills when she lived here in the 50s, she skimmed across each books spine and looked around but nothing either someone had found out about her plan or those essential logging mills were long gone. Anna then heard Damon and Stefan have a conversation in the cellar, it went along the lines of 'keep Elena out of this' and 'you need to learn to love being a vampire instead of brooding all the time'. She couldn't risk being in the bad books with a Salvatore again and rushed outside now she was dependent on Sage filling her side of the agreement, getting inside Rebekah's head and toying Damon along.

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