A Life Of A Teenager

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This is the time where our "future" is supposedly  determined.
This is the time where teenagers often rebel.
It all depends on our grade and our level
Which we all feel burdened.

Teenagers have a bad reputation.
They say we are immature
Because sometimes we reek of liquor
But we have a confession...

Everytime our parents punish us-
Knowing we did a bad thing-
None of us are interfering.
It's because truly we don't think it's unjust.

Teengers have our actions and emotions mixed.
We're alone when we need someone.
As we need to overcome
The truth that we won't always be missed.

Knowing that people we trust think of us badly-
At the end we'll do those things.
Just like in a boxing ring
But we don't think it's lovely.

We are stressed as to what the results will be.
All we need is love and support .
Not judgments and bad report.
Just let me be me.

If you truly want us to be successful in life
Then don't pressure us to do something we don't want.
As in the future we'll do our own job hunt
And no will stab us in the back with a knife.

If you need help at another location
We sometimes say no
But we aren't that low.
We help you sometimes with no hesitation.

Teenagers don't need teachers at home.
They need parents that support them
With no problem
And won't be a protection dome.

Us,teenagers can be truly reckless
But once you realise that we aren't that bad
You won't be so sad
As teenagers aren't pointless.

We are a ticking time bomb.
We may feel unwanted at times
And will need someone who doesn't judge us for our crimes.
So please be there to be our dad or mom.

A life of a teenager isn't lovely.
Teenage life is just another obstacle.
Teenagers don't have tentacles
So don't think we can do many things at the same time quickly.

If you think teenagers don't have any experience
Then you are wrong!
Teenagers also have been here for so long.
Please tell us the difference.

People think differently
And we should all accept that.
And that is a fact!
As life is not friendly.

You all think teenagers are irresponsible
But the fact that you've been one
Is not a reason to think our opinion means none.
It's not that you don't think it's right you just think it's impossible.

Teenagers can be right too!
Adults are the ones that are restricting our imagination.
As you want all our concentration
On our future or you.

Age doesn't show whether you are wise or mature.
As we all know that it is different for each person.
Then adults should stop judging us with no reason
As we are not something to be judged at your leisure.

Teenagers are humans too
And so are you!
We have feelings as well.
So don't you quarrel

Bullies and pressure
Is not a pleasure.
As the feeling of inferiority
Is not anybody's cup of tea.

A life of a teenager is hard.
We need you to understand
That we don't know everything
And we can ask anything.


This is a poem I made about a life of a teenager. I'm not saying all teenagers feel the same but part of this is from my own experience and the rest from other peopl's experiences. Hope you liked it!

PoemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon