Breaking Lovingly

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What is it that you said?
It was all in my head?
Then why did you stay on my bed?
Can't you see where it lead?

You took the chance to have fun.
You knew that everyone who meets me will run.
The things you chose cannot easily be undone.
I gave it all to you until I had none.

At first I thought of you as a friend.
I was cautious though because all relationships come to an end.
My heart I gave,not lend.
Not a word spoken but instead a text you send.

You began to smile and laugh.
You smoothened all of me that was rough.
Was it really tough?
You didn't even send a paragraph.

I told myself you are what I loathe.
Before you,I made an oath.
You were the one I clothe.
Clothes and shelter,I gave you both.

Why was I hit by an arrow from cupid's bow?
Why? Was it too late to show?
You said it'll melt just like snow....
Why did it not melt so slow?

Was it worth it?
Chipping the ice bit by bit.
Never once did you throw a fit.
Your next 3 words was the last hit.

You said those 3 words...
We collided like 2 worlds...
Causing 1 huge collision that hurts...
Then you did the expected- at the last second your world diverts...

I didn't feel a thing when others did what you did.
The hurt you inflicted I hid.
Once again,I sealed it shut-my lid.
Falling once more,I forbid.

We met once again and you explained why.
I'm still as you scream in agony and cry.
I told myself all you said was a lie.
When you were done all I said was a simple,"Goodbye".

I looked straight ahead,trying not to stumble.
I got home and I felt myself crumble.
What was it you said? I was trouble?
My hardened emotions you crumple.

You said I didn't love you back?
Just because I didn't say it back right away... All you see is white and black...
Oh how I wish what you said was fake...
Because then I wouldn't feel this ache.

If I didn't love you,then why do I feel this pain?
Why is there never drought but instead the rain?
Why is it that to me, you are my greatest bane?
I always kept it empty,the side of the bed you lain.

You were,are and will forever be the person who makes me feel this.
But if I ever see you again, I will resist.
I won't stay in your man-made abyss.
With you,there will always be something amiss.



Been a while! Hope your 2022 has been good so far! If not,it'll get better ^~^!

So um yea! This poem I wrote was actually inspired from a YouTube short that showed quotes from LoL. It was "Only those you love can break your heart" said by Morgana.

The story that came up in my head when I was writing this poem was that the speaker is someone who doesn't trust and feel easily. But,when they do trust and feel,they do it hard! And well, they end up loving the person but that person betrayed them  and well, from Morgana's quote^^, the speaker's heart is broken. Although the speaker's heart was not broken once but twice(because of meeting that person again after), the speaker is trying to move on.

Thank you for reading my poems and explanations! Feel free to comment or message me what you think :)!

Hope you have a great day/afternoon/evening!

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