All she has...

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All she has are her fears
That result to tears.
Nothing else she hears
But all their cheers.

All she has are her lies
That she truly tries
To stop her cries
As she slowly dies.

All she has is her smile
As she walks down the aisle.
To not be hostile
She chokes on her bile.

All she has is her ear
Where things aren't clear
If they are sincere.
She will persevere.

All she has are her thoughts
That has no costs.
No one supports
Her faults.

All she has are her feelings
She has no bearings.
No one hears her pleadings.
No one knows the meanings.

All she has is her voice
That she can use to her choice.
She rejoice
And made lots of noise.

Made:February 23,2021~12:27am
Published:February 26,2021

Another short poem made😆. I hope you are having a wonderful time! Be the person you are and wish to be. Your past,present and future are all a mix of who you are(in my opinion😅).

Thank you for reading!🤗

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