
13 2 0

Up and down
Our emotions go
Turning around
Let's start the show.

We come in this world
With our parents
We couldn't say a word
We were wrapped in garments.

We were taught how to walk
And they fed us
We learned how to talk
And made a fuss.

We were thought to be cute
And they pinched our cheek
Then we learned to play the flute
And saw people with their eyebrows on fleek.

Then came school
There are 3 or 4 stages
It is not cool
And it's for all different ages.

They say it's to help our future
But we get stressed because of it
It's for us to nurture
And we try to fit.

Or personality
Will you smile
Or be sly

The difficulties of school isn't just that
There are expectations that needs to be reached
It's not as easy as putting on a hat
And school can't be ditched.

Secondary and university
It'll be difficult if you don't word hard
If you want to go to Harvard.

Jobs are what you need
In order to feed
And earn money
For your honey.

Life is difficult
No matter where or who you are
It isn't your fault
That someone is so far.

The ride of life is full of ups and downs
It has things to make you laugh like clowns
Or to make you cry
Like a lot of flying fly.

The ride has begun since we arrived
And do far we survived.
As long as we live
We can never leave.

As the ride of life
Will only end when we die
Before or after our husband or wife
Or when pigs fly.

The ride of life has lots of bumps
That's bigger than anyones throat lumps
You can't avoid it
For you can only overcome it with no fit.

Riding this ride
You can choose a side.
The right side where you may live happily
Or the wrong side where you may die horribly

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