Inescapable Seperation

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There you were in front of me.
Everytime I see you, I hope I could touch you.
With the many times I see you,it seems like I'm free.
Oh how far it was from being true.

These interactions we have are too cruel.
The unspoken words we share.
They say falling for you makes me a fool.
There is a limit to how much I can bear.

I can feel you slowly disappear.
I try to show you how much I care.
I cannot grasp you leaving. That's my worst fear.
Please stay,don't leave me in despair.

Although I'm being selfish
Asking you to stay....
Please, grant me this one wish
of you to not go away!

The sun sets and I sit here waiting.
The moon rises and there you were.
I stand up and walk to you, smiling.
Every day of every month of the year from January to December.

Dawn comes and I'll wait for the end of the day.
A tear falls down your face.
To be together once more,I'll find a way.
I'll end this terrible chase.

As time goes by,you notice them.
My once dark hair has gone silver.
Reality sets in and I grip at my shirt's hem.
Now it'll be me leaving. I feel myself shiver.

All those years of me begging you to not leave.
I couldn't find the way for both of us to stay.
When it's my time,please don't grieve.
I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say.

As I take my final breath
A tear escapes my eyes as I have no way to call.
From my side window I see the sun fall.
The unavoidable seperation called death.

I bid you my final farewell.
It's time for us to dispel.

Written:29/11/2021 11pm
Published: 31/12/2021
Thought of Titles:Inevitable Seperation/ Fated Seperation

Heyaa reader!!!

I was inspired by the ending of "Crimson Peak". No spoilers are in the poem don't worry and I won't talk about it here. Check the trailer for it if you want to watch it and check the PG rating.

I realize a lot of my recent poems are a lot about unrequited love or something about lovers.... I am a single pringle that is not gonna mingle yet BUT I have been watching a lot of romantic drama series so maybe that could be one reason.... I don't know... Oh well. I hope you-as the reader- is having fun or at least you feel something when you read my poems. Some of poems I guess also allows you to reflect or something....

Anyways! Hope you have a great last day of 2021 and great 2022! See you later at 2022! Have a blessed day/afternoon/evening! XD

PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora