You knew what pain I felt

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Don't argue in spite of anger.
You'll hurt the person with words
And you'll end up wanting to be in different worlds
And don't let it linger.

You might feel great at first,
The other person feeling alone.
You gave a good roast and now you thirst
For people's suffering.

Sorry that i've hurt you...
But it isn't nice!
For what you chose to do
Ended with a price.

Left alone to keep the tears in,
No shoulder to lean,
You knew my pain!
It's hard enough to stay sane!

Sorry,I was wrong...
I have a list of apologies and it's long
But what you said,you had no right!
For it's disappearing,the light.

The light i should hold on to.
But you had no clue
I was slipping away.
I had to fit in just like clay.

I want to stop my emotions.
Are the bad things my creations?
I always cry
And when I say i'm fine,I lie...

I have somewhere as a safe zone.
I always cry when i'm alone.
No one to judge or shout.
No one to ask me what's it's about.

It does get too lonely at times...
And I feel bitter and sour like limes.
I'm sorry for my behaviour,
I want my good times to savour.

If I was different and not me...
What're the changes?I want to see.
For I myself would like to change...
What is my range?

I want the tears to not fall!
I almost cried inside the washroom stall.
I need to control it better
And it'll be harder...

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