To You In The Red Dress

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You stand there with your head held high
With no one by your side
You stand there smiling with pride
But you don't want this,why?

People clap their hand.
You smile and thank them
And hand them a gem
But you don't want a party this grand.

Knowing this I helped you
Made you laugh and smile.
I could run for you in a mile!
But you don't know that I feel blue.

The night has come to an end with a BANG!
You danced with him and left me.
Now I know who you love is he...
I cried and to my hearts content-sang.

I found out you knew!
You left me alone!
And you never rang my phone.
I guess now is the time for me to start a new...

It was nice to see you in your white dress
But it was better when I saw it turn red.


What cha think of the poem? I noticed my poems sound nice at first then its ending is horrible... Hope you liked it though...

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